
出版时间:2010-10  出版社:华东理工大学出版社  作者:梁逸曾,易伦朝 编著  页数:196  


化学计量学(chemometrics)由瑞典科学家Svante Wold提出,自其20世纪70年代问世以来,在国际上得到普遍认同,现已被欧盟分析化学专业委员会列为分析化学的四大支柱学科(波谱与光谱、色谱技术、化学生物传感和化学计量学)之一。化学计量学在化学量测中的采样理论与实验设计、化学数据处理、分析信号解析与分辨、化学分类决策与预报等方面,解决了大量传统的化学研究方法难以解决的复杂问题,显示了其强大的生命力,已受到化学尤其是分析化学工作者的极大关注。近年来,国际国内一些院校的化学及其相关专业已将化学计量学作为必修课或选修课纳入本科生或研究生的教学计划中。由于化学计量学是一门新兴交叉学科,大量重要文献都是英文给出,英文基础对学好此课程亦十分重要。其实,教育部历来对英语教育就十分重视,相应的英语四、六级的考试也在督促学生在大学期间的英语学习。但是,大学本科的英语教育效果确实不够理想。学生在学习期间花了不少时间,学到的是一些英语的基本语法和基本词汇,但英语学习与知识或专业的学习是分离的,所学到的英语知识基本难以得到应用的机会,致使英语作为语言交流工具的基本功能难以实现。所以,学生在大学学业完成后,还很难与国外同行进行学术交流。一种语言的学习应该与其经常的应用结合起来方能真正学好。教育部近年来力主教授(其中特别是知名教授)要上本科课堂,还特别对“双语教学”进行强力推崇,其初衷可能也在于此。现今的社会是一个竞争的社会,我们国家急需一大批能与国际科研界平等对话和平等竞争的人才,没有这样一大批的人才,绝无实现“中华崛起”梦想之可能。直接采用英文来进行知识或专业教育,对培养能与国际科研界平等对话和平等竞争的人才的确很重要。记得本人在研究生的学习中,导师俞汝勤院士就采用英语为我们上化学计量学课,教材就是本专业中的一些重要文献(英语原文论文)。我虽没有参加任何专门的如TOFFE或GRE之类的英语考试和培训,但当我完成了博士期间的学习在20世纪90年代到挪威继续做博士后研究时,基本就没感到学术交流过程中有语言障碍的困难。这些课使我受益匪浅,令我终生难忘。所以,通过进行双语教学,以缩短学生从课程学习快速过渡到科学研究的准备过程,提高学生的国际竞争能力,力争达到既学好了课程又提高了英语的作用。我校对化学计量学课程进行双语教学始于2002年,2008年该课程成为教育部双语教学示范课程。在进行双语教学的过程中,我们体会到学生对双语教学是欢迎的,其中尤其是一些基础较好的学生,他们认为双语教学对他们是一种挑战,使他们兴奋,积极性很高。他们在学习过程中,不但学习了专业知识,英语也在交流过程中得以提高。但是,对于如何在教学过程中同时也考虑到一些英语基础较差的学生,使他们也能在双语教学中获益,还是双语教学中应注意的一个问题。




Chapter 1  Introduction and Necessary Fundamental Knowledge of Mathematics  1.1  Chemometrics: Definition and Its Brief History   1.2  The Relationship between Analytical Chemistry and Chemometrics   1.3  The Relationship between Chemometrics, Chemoinformatics and Bioinformatics   1.4  Necessary Knowledge of Mathematics Chapter 2  Chemical Experiment Design  2.1  Introduction   2.2  Factorial Design and Its Rational Analysis  2.3  Fractional Factorial Design   2.4  Orthogonal Design and Orthogonal Array   2.5  Uniform Experimental Design and Uniform Design Table   2.6  D-Optimal Experiment Design   2.7  Optimization Based on Simplex and Experiment Design Chapter 3  Processing of Analytic Signals  3.1  Smoothing Methods of Analytical Signals   3.2  Derivative Methods of Analytical Signals   3.3  Background Correction Method of Analytical Signals   3.4  Transformation Methods of Analytical Signals Chapter 4  Multivariate Calibration and Multivariate Resolution  4.1  Multivariate Calibration Methods for White Analytical Systems   4.2  Multivariate Calibration Methods for Grey Analytical Systems   4.3  Multivariate Resolution Methods for Black Analytical Systems   4.4  Multivariate Calibration Methods for Generalized Grey Analytical Systems Chapter 5  Pattern Recognition and Pattern Analysis for Chemical Analytical Data  5.1  Introduction   5.2  Supervised Pattern Recognition Methods: Discriminant Analysis Methods   5.3  Unsupervised Pattern Recognition Methods: Clustering Analysis Methods   5.4  Visual Dimensional Reduction Based on Latent Projections


插图:More recently, a new discipline named chemoinformatics has newly developed. The markof appearance of this discipline is the publication of several books after 2000 [1-28-1-31].There are also several different definitions for this discipline. Here we just list three famousones as follows.The first one was given by F. K. Brown[1-32], that is, "The use of information technologyand management has become a critical part of the drug discovery process. Chemoirfformatics isthe mixing of information resources to transform data into information and information intoknowledge, for the intended purpose of making decisions faster in the arena of drug leadidentification and optimization. " G. Paris [1-33] also gave a definition, that "chemoinformaticsis a generic term that encompasses the design, creation, organization, management, retrieval,analysis, dissemination, visualization and use of chemical information. " The last one defined byGasteiger was a much more broad definition. It defines that "chemoirdormatics, the application ofinformafics methods to the solution of chemical problems. "[1-32] From this definition, one can seethat this definition wants to encompass everything working with computer for chemistry in it. In fact,from a point of historical view, one can see chemometrics and chemoinformatics have some differencesbetween them (see Fig. 1.4). In one word, chemometrics was mainly from the developing requirementfrom analytical chemistry, while chemoinformatics was mainly developed in order to meet the demandfrom physical chemistry and drug industry. Of course, there is much overlapping between the two sub-disdplines. It is also possible that the two chemical sub-disdplines could maybe merge togethersomeday in the future, since their targets are all to find some way to solve the chemical problems withthe help of mathematics, statistics and computer sdence.






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  •   该书不同于一般的双语教材,不采用中、英文对照方式,而是采用适当地中文评注方式,帮助读者顺利阅读英文,使读者非常容易上手,是一本有特色的教科书!
  •   梁老师的书还用说吗,当然是好看了。
  •   既可以学专业知识也可以学专业英语。

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