
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:华东理工大学出版社  作者:刘|,吕春昕 主编  页数:308  


  从目前的中考英语来看,阅读理解的比重很大,每套试卷通常有4到5篇文章,题型也从过去单一的选择题转向了多种题型并存。这些无疑为初中英语的教学指明了方向。  然而,英语教学中却存着一种割裂的情况:一方面是对课文的学习过精,另一方面是对课外阅读的要求过粗。每一篇课文教师都要反复讲、仔细讲,甚至不惜要求学生背诵,而课外阅读的很多文章学生却读得囫囵吞枣,甚至根本没有看明白,就急急忙忙去做题,这样看上去似乎有了阅读量,实际上读的效果却很一般。为了让学生完全读懂这些文章,提供详尽的注释和完整的译文无疑是最好的方法。因此,我们查阅了大量资料,不仅对文中的所有疑难单词和词组详加注释,而且在仔细揣摩文意的情况下,尽力提供最为准确、流畅的译文,力求使学生读一篇就彻底消化一篇,以真正达到提高英语水平的目的。  需要指出的是,近几年的中考命题中出现了一种不好的趋势,就是除上海、北京、江苏等少数教育发达省市外,许多中西部地区的试题中都出现了大量中国人撰写的英语文章。这些文章带有明显的汉语思维的痕迹,特别不利于学生掌握地道的英语。因此,本书在编写时非常重视文章来源,尽量少用中国人撰写的英语文章,适当补充适合初中生使用的原版材料。从总体上看,本书材料70%来源于历届中考题,30%来源于原版材料,这样就兼顾了阅读材料的原汁原味和试题设计的权威性。  由于初中英语阅读篇目多、难度跨度大,因此,市场上通行的简单堆砌或专题分类的编法都不科学。而本书采用了难度分阶的形式,我们将所有文章严格按难度分级,分别编入三章,学生只需循序渐进,中考时自可得心应手。因此本书可以说是课本之外的首选读物。  本书正文由刘妓翻译,错谬之处在所难免,敬请广大读者不吝赐教。


本书特点:  本书采取难度分阶的形式,从全国各地历届中考题和一些原版材料中选取、设计了54套试题编入三个难度等级中。每套试题不仅对所有疑难生词和词组详加解释,还为每篇阅读文章提供准确、流畅的译文,有助于初中生真正读懂每篇文章及循序渐近提高阅读理解能力。


第一章 难度等级★ Reading Exercise 1   Reading Exercise 2   Reading Exercise 3 Reading Exercise 4 Reading Exercise 5 Reading Exercise 6 Reading Exercise 7 Reading Exercise 8 Reading Exercise 9 Reading Exercise 10  Reading Exercise 11   Reading Exercise 12   Reading Exercise 13   Reading Exercise 14   Reading Exercise 15 Reading Exercise 16   Reading Exercise 17   Reading Exercise 18  第二章 难度等级★★  Reading Exercise 1  Reading Exercise 2  Reading Exercise 3    Reading ExerCise 4    Reading Exercise 5   Reading Exercise 6 Reading Exercise 7 Reading Exercise 8 Reading Exercise 9 Reading Exercise 10  Reading Exercise 11   Reading Exercise 12   Reading Exercise 13   Reading Exercise 14   Reading Exercise 15 Reading Exercise 16   Reading Exercise 17   Reading Exercise 18  第三章 难度等级★★★ Reading Exercise 1  Reading Exercise 2  Reading Exercise 3    Reading ExerCise 4    Reading Exercise 5   Reading Exercise 6 Reading Exercise 7 Reading Exercise 8 Reading Exercise 9 Reading Exercise 10  Reading Exercise 11   Reading Exercise 12   Reading Exercise 13   Reading Exercise 14   Reading Exercise 15 Reading Exercise 16   Reading Exercise 17   Reading Exercise 18  参考答案


  One hot and sunny afternoon three boys were walking towards the river.They were going there to fish and to swim.On the way they passed by a greenfield.There Was all old wooden fence around it.A bull WflS quietly eating inthe field.  “Ha!Ha!Look at the lazy old bull!”one of the boys shouted.“Doesn’the look stupid?”another boy laughed.The boys picked up some stones。Theythrew them at the bull。The bull looked at the boys and went on eating.Theboys laughed and walked away.  Soon the boys reached the river.They took off their clothes and jumpedinto the water.They swam and played for about all hour.After that they driedthemselves in the sun.Then they climbed up a tall tree.There were manysweet apples on the treeThey ate a lot of them and also fined their pocketswith the fruit.Then they started to climb down the tree.  To their surprise,they saw a bull standing near the tree.The bull wasvery angry.It was the same bull they had seen on the way to the fiver.Theboys were afraid to come down.It was now their turn to look stupid.




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用户评论 (总计19条)


  •   可以,不错的书。分级来,很好的。
  •   久没有接触英语,用来练习思维。
  •   正版,物美价廉,做了几篇,感觉不错,不怎么吃力,本人英语底子差,就先从基础学起吧,希望半年以后英语有大变化啊
  •   很有实用性!赞一个!
  •   送得及时,好
  •   内容不错!认真写的话,收获会很大
  •   速度 又快 又便宜
  •   是本很好的教辅书
  •   老师推荐的寒假作业。
  •   书页质量很好,是正品,物美价廉,送货很快,内容不知怎样,还没做,做完后再给评语
  •   不错,有英文的整体文章的翻译,可以核对自己看懂了多少
  •   对于七年级学生就应该多练这样的阅读分析题
  •   也就当阅读题
  •   不错,后有练习翻译,但总觉得不怎么适合初中学生.
  •   这本书挺好,但有一本上数的侧面有些笔划过的痕迹。书题量丰富,题型也多。对于初一的同学,后面做起来有点困难
  •   没有看到,寄给侄子的,应该还不错叫劲
  •   书记挺有用,不过太简单
  •   在书店看过后买的,感觉还不错。
  •   亮点是每篇都有译文,不过选材和出题不太好。

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