
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:华东理工大学  作者:刘弢//吕春昕  页数:330  


高考英语的阅读材料与我们平时见到的各种引进版本教材相比,有很大的不同。其中最大的差别在于,引进版本的教材经过国外专家的反复锤炼,语言十分规范,学生只要具备了基本的语法知识,借助词典基本上可以完全读懂,《新概念英语》就是其中的典范。而高考英语阅读材料则不同。很多文章直接来源于现代英语,讲究原汁原味。由于外国人的思维模式与我们不同,因而在我们看来句子的跳跃性很强,表面上看生词不多,但常常让人生出前言不搭后语的疑惑。此外,大量的口语、俚语、生造词夹杂其中,其内在含义在常见词典中又无从查找;加之应用文中存在大量的省略现象,这些无疑都加大了阅读的难度。    要想让学生完全读懂这些文章,提供详尽的注释和完整的译文无疑是最好的方法。然而,这对编者却是一种挑战。目前市面上的很多高考英语阅读书籍在答案部分的所谓解析,在我们看来纯属隔靴搔痒、避重就轻。学生做不对题,关键还是没有完全读懂,根本不是什么寻找关键句的问题。因此,在编写本书时,作者查阅了大量资料,不仅对选文中的所有疑难单词和词组详加注释,而且在仔细揣摩文意的情况下,尽力提供最为准确、流畅的译文,并对部分内容提供相应的背景资料,使学生能读一篇就彻底消化一篇,从而真正提高英语水平。    本书所有篇目均选自最近5年高考真题。从目前的高考题型来看,通常阅读理解有5篇文章,排列方式依次从易到难。许多A篇文章高一新生读起来也不吃力,当然,有的E篇文章的难度竞和大学英语四级考题不相上下。鉴于此,我们将高考真题中的疑难篇。目挑选出来,并按难度分级,分别编入四章,学生只需循序渐进,高考时自可得心应手。由于高考真题的权威性毋庸置疑,加之本书的详尽注释和精准对译,因而本书可说是课本之外的首选备考辅导材料。


第一章 难度等级★ Reading Exercise 1   Reading Exercise 2 Reading Exercise 3 Reading Exercise 4 Reading Exercise 5 Reading Exercise 6第二章 难度等级★★  Reading Exercise 1  Reading Exercise 2  Reading Exercise 3    Reading Exercise 4    Reading Exercise 5    Reading Exercise 6  第三章 难度等级★★★  Reading Exercise 1    Reading Exercise 2    Reading Exercise 3   Reading Exercise 4    Reading Exercise 5    Reading Exercise 6  第四章 难度等级★★★★ Reading Exercise 1    Reading Exercise 2    Reading Exercise 3   Reading Exercise 4    Reading Exercise 5    Reading Exercise 6  参考答案


  Danielle Steel,Americas sweetheart,is one of the hardest working womanin the book business.Unlike Other productive authors who write one book at atime,she can work on up to five.Her research done before writing takes atleast three years.Once she has funy studied her subjects,ready to dive into abook,she can spend twenty hours nonstop at her desk.  Danielle Steel comes from New York and Was sent to France for hereducation。After graduation,she worked in the public relations and advertisingindustries.Later she started a job as a writer which she was best fit for.Herachievements are unbelievable:390 million copies of books in print,nearlynftY New York Times best-selling novels.and a series of“Max and Martha”picture books for children to help them deal with the real.1ife problem ofdeath,new babies and new schools.Her 1998 book about the death of her sonshot to the top of the New York Times best-seHing list as soon as it came out.Twenty-eight of her books have been made into film.She is listed in theGuinness Books of WorldRecords for one of her books being the Times best.seller for 38 1 weeks straight.  Not content with a big house,a loving family,and a view of the GoldenGate Bridge.Danielle Steel considers her readers to be the most importantresource and has kept in touch with them by c.mail.While she is oftencompared to the heroines of her own invention.herlife is undoubtedly muchquieter.But,if she does have anything in common with them,it is her strength0f Wiu and her inimitable style.There is only one Danielle Steel.





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用户评论 (总计22条)


  •   本书所有篇目均选自最近5年高考真题,很实用!
  •   这本书对5年的高考题进行训练,每篇都有翻译,很好
  •   这个就是阅读,第一页是阅读文章,第二页是题,然后是全文翻译。感觉一般把。
  •   有点小难度 里面的阅读对照都有翻译
  •   有利于提高阅读能力
  •   难度合适,有利于水平的提高
  •   答案很详细,平时练练挺好
  •   书很好 今年高二了 做练习用的
  •   挺好的,各方面都很全面,强推!
  •   经朋友介绍,觉得对考试很有帮助
  •   很好,物有所值,很适合高中生用。
  •   非常好用,还可以当语文素材
  •   中文翻译的非常好,已经建议很多人买了。
  •   很好~~~
  •   好,喜欢当当,多点折扣,物美价廉
  •   书中的阅读程度分成4个级别,文章应该是原汁原味的原版文章,难度有梯度。特别是4星的,可以说是在高考中属于比较难理解的。本书的亮点是有全文翻译,这给自学的孩子来说非常好,缺点是习题的答案没有详解。
  •   都是近年高考阅读,有翻译其实更希望是讲解不是翻译总之是看到由之前的高考题才买的
  •   不是很新颖的题目,但多看多练对英语总有用的
  •   很不错,能做完马上看翻译找问题,另外还有个别词组解释~
  •   草草看了一下.还可以拉
  •   简单、不错
  •   题目难度是有的

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