
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:华东理工大学出版社  作者:徐广联 编  页数:261  字数:265000  


  要想学好英语,学到地道的英语,诵读一定数量的英语名家名篇,如散文、诗歌、演说等,是非常必需的,也可以说是一条捷径。诵读时,脑、眼、耳、口协调并用,吟诵既久,语感渐增,文章的气韵内涵、精言妙语便内化于心,烂熟于心,慢慢沉淀,最终成为自己的东西,存储在自己的知识宝库中。某日某时灵感进发,信手拈来,随入化境,其助也大,其乐也无穷。  本书中共有113篇精美的短文,是精中求精,反复筛选,最终确定的,均为英美文学名篇中的精华。它们文风各异,或热烈奔放,或含蓄隽永,或古雅雄辩,或清新流畅,语言地道规范,闪耀着大师们璀璨的智慧之光,体现了大师们高超的语言技巧。  诵读本书,你既能得到审美的愉悦,提高英语语言的领悟力,又能学习英语写作技巧,掌握丰富多彩的表达方式,提高英语写作能力。同时,它还是陶冶情操、为人处世的好读本,能提升你的文化品位,使你在不知不觉中感受自然,体味人生,开阔视野,净化心灵,帮你找到人生的坐标,助你走向理性与辉煌。




Growth/成长Touch Life at Every Point/品味多彩的生活Let It Be Forgotten/忘记它Knowledge/知识Being Happy Is a Duty/快乐是一种责任I've Learned/我懂了Look on All Things with Love/对一切满怀爱心Autumn Sunset/秋日夕阳  Relish the Moment/品味现在Bees Stopped/蜜蜂停留The Symphony of Life/生命的交响曲We’re Just at the Beginning/一切才刚刚开始The Top  Secrets of Creativity/创造力十大秘诀How to G row Happiness/种植幸福Freedom and Restraint/自由与束缚The You of Yesterday/昨天的你The Beginning of Wisdom/智慧的开端Clouds/云The Goodness of Life/生命的美好What You Are,So Is Your World/你是怎样的人决定着你的境遇Love/爱Fog/雾The G reatest Principles of Success/成功的最大秘诀The Real Value of Life/生命的真正价值Self—control/自制Something Better than Money/比金钱更珍贵的On Reason and Passion/论理性与热情M—O—T—H—E.R/母亲Problems Do End/难题终会解决Being in Love/感受爱lBlue Days/阴郁的日子A G reat Life/精彩人生Never Stop D reaming/永怀梦想The Secrets of Mastering Emotions/控制情绪的秘诀The Faculty of Delight/快乐的能力Add Luster to Your Personality/让个性绽放异彩A to Z/从A到Z lThe Whistle/HB子The School of Life/生活的学校Pain and Growth/痛苦与成长Enjoy You rself on the Journey/快乐旅程On the Instability of Human Glory/人类荣耀的虚妄Leisure/闲暇Mental Attitude/精神状态Virtues in Children/孩子身上的美德On Immortality in Youth/论青春常在Beauty Is the Smile on the Earth’S Face/美是大地的微笑My Favorite Things/@爱之物April Showers Bring May Flowers/雨带来五月花Love of Self/自爱IllJust for Today/就为了今天The Happy Valley/快乐谷True Prosperity/真正的富足I Life/生活Happiness Is a Choice/快乐是一种选择Man and Natu re/人与自然Yours Is the Earth/这个世界的一切都是你的The Value of Friendship/友谊的价值Good Advice on Life/生活的忠告Catch the Star That Will Take You to Your Dreams/追随梦想Courage/勇气Cultivating a Hobby/培养一种业余爱好Words to Live by/生活的箴言The Smell and Look and Sound of Time/时间的气味、声音和形象A Business Creed/职业信条Riches,Body,Mind and Soul/财富、身体、心智和灵魂A Mother’S Letter to the World/一位母亲写给世界的信Self—confidence/自信The Things That Shall Never Die/永不消逝的Joy in Living/生活的乐趣Ideals/理想The Gettysbu rg Address/葛底斯堡演说Heaven Helps Those Who Help Themselves/自助者天助A Little Daisy/一株小雏菊Ambition/抱负Choose Optimism/选择乐观The Boat of Destiny/命运之船Happy Birthday,Mom/妈妈,生日快乐Conscious Harmony/内心世界的和谐Account of My Travels/游历记述What Is Success/成功是什么On Courage/论勇气Perseverance/坚持不懈On Beauty/论美Duty and Happiness/责任与快乐Choices/选择Love Is Different from Like/爱与喜欢不同Lift up Your Thoughts/使思想升华What We Want and What We Have/想要的和拥有的Life Is What We Make It/生活是我们自己创造的Remember the Positive Things/想想好事情The Golden House/金光小屋Children’S Eyes/孩子的眼睛What I Want to Know/我想知道的Home/家The Fork in the Road/十字路口Appetite/胃口  Inner Light/内心的灯We Are on the Journey/人在旅途The Story of Life/生活的故事The Love of Beauty/爱美之心Ignorance,Evil and Lessons/愚昧、不幸和教训Small Things//小事The Road to Happiness/幸福之路Butterfly’S Wings/蝴蝶的翅膀A Higher Type of B ravery/超凡的勇气The Cultivation of the Heal/心灵的滋养On Pleasure/论快乐Living Graves/活坟墓Nature and Art/自然与艺术An Hour before Sunrise/黎明前Voltaire/伏尔泰The Declaration of Independence/独立宣言


  Enjoy Yourself on the Journey  快乐旅程  To go on a journey is often worrisome, but so long as one lives heproceeds on his lifes journey. Different people go along differently. Sometake hasty steps in anxiety. Obsessed with reaching the next goal in time,they spare no time for sightseeing along the way, nor do they have a clearview where their long roads end. Others travel leisurely like tourists. Theywould take time off now and then for a look at blooming flowers or fallenpetals. They would stop to admire clouds gathering and dispersing. Evenwhen they go against the wind or are caught in the rain, they never getannoyed, for worries slip off their minds as if from an open net.  Cramped is ones workplace. Narrow is ones residence and small isthe social circle one moves about——such limitedness in space entail lack ofvariety which is the source of some peoples complaint. But a person isalways able to find peace and comfort if he takes things as they are.Compared with the vastness of the universe it is only a tiny spot oneoccupies on earth. However, though larger than the ocean is the sky,even larger is the human mind, for in it imagination would come and goon the wing without limitations.  One may eventually win what he has set his mind to, only to findthat he has lost quite a lot. Perhaps what he loses is even better than whathe gains.  On ones journey of life some people hurry on with a heavy heart inpursuit of fame and wealth while others go easy and enjoy themselves inharmony with nature.



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用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   句子很优美,也很有哲理,不仅可以提高英语,还可增加文学修养!不错!推荐一读!
  •   很好 物流很快
  •   这本书很好,都是哲理性的散文片段,还有光盘,对英语学习很有帮助,喜欢早读的同学、想提高英语阅读的同学可以买哦
  •   在图书馆看到这本书,喜欢里边收录的美文,值得背诵。语音部分朗读清晰,语速适中。
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