出版时间:2009-6 出版社:华东理工大学 作者:谭卫国 页数:415 字数:384000
本书经过第三次修订更加丰富,更加完善,更具有特色,堪称不可多得的范文经典。主要内容和特点如下:一是所选范文语言规范,朗朗上口;二是题材广泛,内容全面;三是通俗易懂,可读性强;四是流行题材多,热门话题多;五是英汉对照,自学方便,适用性强,应用性广。 本书由24个单元组成,每个单元至少包括四篇短文。每个单元的短文自成一体,相辅相成,相得益彰。本书所有范文均精心选自国内外出版的各种书刊,其中有一部分是经编者加工、润饰,使之完善的结晶。每篇范文之后有生词短语注音释义和参考译文。参考译文与原文同样精彩,可与原文媲美。熟练诵读本书的范文,就等于掌握了成功作文、成功翻译、成功交际的金钥匙。
Unit 1 家庭与家人 家庭观念的变化 三种类型的父母 美国人的家庭观 我最难忘的人 我永远的情人 告诉妈妈我爱她 角色转换:居家型父亲 独生子女孤独吗?Unit 2 人生 人生 如何活得老 热爱生命 给你一些生活的忠告Unit 3 男人与女人 男女职责 给我一个小小的世界 怎样做个好妻子 怎样做个好丈夫Unit 4 爱情与婚姻 爱情是一部电话 如何识别女性示爱的信号 钻石饰物是女孩的挚友 空壳婚姻种种 爱情忠贞 白头偕老 设法达到婚姻生活的最高境界Unit 5 持久爱情的法则 舍得为爱付出时间 危急时刻,团结一致 运用充满爱意的眼神 换个角度看问题 照顾配偶的利益Unit 6 美与爱美Unit 7 朋友和亲戚Unit 8 读书与学习Unit 9 面试与就业Unit 10 成功与失败Unit 11 工作与职业Unit 12 宝贵的忠告Unit 13 文学艺术Unit 14 科学与人Unit 15 世界伟人Unit 16 体育运动与业余爱好Unit 17 世界文明及其成果Unit 18 世界名城Unit 19 人与自然Unit 20 旅游 Unit 21 文化与文化交流Unit 22 热门话题 Unit 23 重要话题 Unit 24 新世纪的展望参考书目
You should.for example,take care to wear clean and suitableclothes SO that you look very well-groomed.It is not right if you weartoo elaborate or too casual attire. Clothes which are tooelaborate,too colorful and too expensive suggest that you don’tunderstand what behavior is appropriate for the job or that youare either snobbish or frivolous.Clothes which are too casual mayconvey the impression that you are not serious about thejob,orthat you may be casual about your workjust as you are about yourdress.The right clothes worn on the right occasion however,willgain a good feeling of you from the interviewer and help win hisfavorable judgement of you.The saying that clothes make the manmay not be true,but the first impression of you has much to dowith the clothes you wear. Besides care for personal appearance,you should pay particularattention t0 your manner of speaking and to the quality of yourspeech.As your speech reflects your qualities,you should showyour confidence by speaking in a clear voice which is loud enoughto be heard without sounding aggressive or overpowering.Surely,it willnot do if you speak with many grammatical errors;it 1S notonly inappropriate but also may cause embarrassment to theemployer if you speak a dialect.Although there are culturaldifferences with respect to the formality of the job interview,it isessential to see to it that your speech shows that you are a veryfriendly and pleasant person.Of course,it is very important thatyour answers be practicable and logical.