
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:华东理工大学出版社  作者:庄起敏,陈慧莲 主编  页数:223  字数:351000  


  本书特别针对新题型大学英语四级考试中的阅读理解部分编写而成,是大学英语四级考试专项训练系列丛书之一。我们编写的这本书紧紧围绕新考纲对阅读的要求,透视考试的出题规律,剖析考点和出题点,以期帮助广大考生或阅读水平相当的英语学习者掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读水平。  本书既有对考试方法和技巧的概括和总结,又有题型的解剖,同时每种题型设计了足够的练习,既体现理论性又兼顾可操作性。练习的难度从易到难循序渐进逐步过渡到大学英语四级的水平,使具有大学英语中下水平的同学能尽快适应考题,提高命中率。




第一章 快速阅读篇  第一节 快读阅读题型特点及解题技巧  第二节 快速阅读实战演练及答案详解    专项练习1 环境与健康    专项练习2 教育和校园    专项练习3 科学和技术    专项练习4 历史和文化    专项练习5 经济和社会第二章 仔细阅读篇  第一节 篇章词汇理解题型特点及应试策略  第二节 短句问答题型特点及应试策略  第三节 篇章词汇和短句问答实战演练及答案详解    专项练习1 环境与健康    专项练习2 教育和校园    专项练习3 科学和技术    专项练习4 历史和文化    专项练习5 经济和社会  第四节 篇章阅读理解题型特点及应试策略  第五节 篇章阅读理解实战演练及答案详解    专项练习1 环境与健康    专项练习2 教育和校园    专项练习3 科学和技术    专项练习4 历史和文化    专项练习5 经济和社会第三章 强化模拟训练  模拟训练1  模拟训练2  模拟训练3  模拟训练4  强化模拟训练参考答案


  Although the lives of the Siriono have changed in the intervening decades,theimage of them as Stone Age relics has endured.Indeed,in many respects the Sirionosum up the popular conception of life in Amazonia.To casual observers,as well as toinfluential natural scientists and regional planners,the flourishing forests of Amazoniaseem ageless,unconquerable,a habitat totally hostile to human civilization.Theapparent simplicity of Indian ways of life has been judged an evolutionary adaptationto forest ecology,living proof that Amazonia could but-and cannot-sustain amore complex society. Archaeological traces of far more elaborate cultures have been dismissed as theruins of invaders from outside the region,abandoned to decay in the uncompromisingtropical environment.Recent Evidence The popular conception of Amazonia and its native residents would be enormouslyconsequential if it were true.But the human history of Amazonia in the past 1 1,OOOyears betrays that view as myth.Evidence gathered in recent years from anthropologyand archaeology indicates that the region has supported a series of indigenous culturesfor eleven thousand years;an extensive network of complex societies。-some withpopulations perhaps as large as 100,000-thrived there for more than 1,000 yearsbefore the arrival of Europeans.(Indeed,some contemporary tribes,including theSiriono,still live among the earthworks of earlier cultures.)Far from beingevolutionarily retarded,prehistoric Amazonian people developed technologies andcultures that were advanced for their time.If the lives of Indians today seem“primitive”,the appearance is not the result of some environmental adaptation ofecological barrier;rather it is a comparatively recent adaptation to centuries ofeconomic and political pressure.Investigators who argue otherwise have unwittingly projected the present onto the past.


  紧扣最新题型,讲解实战并重;  针对阅读理解,进行阶梯训练;  题型精解剖析,为你指点迷津;  考前自测必备,助你马到成功。



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