出版时间:2009-1 出版社:华东理工大学出版社 作者:谭卫国,郑芳 主编 页数:329 字数:331000
Unit One 家庭与家人Unit Two 人生Unit Three 人间之爱Unit Four 饮食习惯Unit Five 朋友与友谊Unit Six 老师与同学Unit Seven 读书与学习Unit Eight 课外实践Unit Nine 学校生活Unit Ten 学生论坛Unit Eleven 故事沙龙Unit Twelve 酷文欣赏 Unit Thirteen 非常经历Unit Fourteen 了解外国Unit Fifteen 传统节日Unit Sixteen 杰出的年轻人Unit Seventeen 足球健将和篮球高手Unit Eighteen 其他运动明星Unit Nineteen 当代影星和歌星Unit Twenty 重要话题Unit Twenty-One 流行话题 Unit Twenty-Two 人与自然附录
“Mom.why are you crying?”A little boy asked his mother.“Because I’m a woman,”she told him. “I don’t understand。”he said. His mom just hugged him and said,“and you never will.”Later thelittle boy asked his father,“Why does mother seem to cry for noreason?” “AIl women cry for no reason.”was all his dad could say. The little boy grew up and became a man.He was still wonderingwhy women cry. Finally he went to GOd.He asked,“God,why do women cry SOeasily?” God said,“When I made women they had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of theworld. I made her shoulders gentle enough to give comfort. I gave her strength to give birth to her children. I made her mind strong enough to keep going when everyone elsegives up.
《初中英语背诵范文精华》是快乐英语屋丛书之一。背诵是公认的有效学习方法之一。 著名文学家巴金先生曾经说过:“我是读了几百篇古文能够背诵,就开始写起文章来。”世界上的文坛巨擘之所以创作出许许多多脍炙人口、流芳百世的诗文佳作,其中一个重要原因就是他们锲而不舍、坚持不懈地背诵了大量文字优美的精品范文。