出版时间:2002-10-1 出版社:华东理工大学出版社 作者:彭颖,黄岚 页数:296
《中高级英语口语》内容丰富有各种生活场景对话:问路,乘车,银行,餐馆,购物,看病,找工作,娱乐,置身…… 有课堂讨论:节日,性格,体育,电脑,平等,度假,教育和职业,恋爱和婚姻,环境以及重大社会问题…… 有各种场合的演讲,如:欢迎,欢送,颁奖,喜庆,主持会议以及演讲稿的准备…… 有各种时尚问题的探讨,如:中国进入WTO的利弊,安乐死的可行性,私家车给我们带来什么,网络聊天的监控,学生是否可以谈恋爱,是否该在外国读书…… 有英语常用成语对接,中国成语故事…… 本书编排新颖,形式活泼,适用广泛,如果您想提高自己的英语会话能力或打算参加英语口试,那么拥有本书,您将会有意想不到的收获。
Intermediate CourseUnit1 Finding the Way and FestivalsUnit2 Means of Traveling and QualitiesUnit3 Banking and SportsUnit4 Hote land Com putersUnit5 Restaurant and EqualityUnit6 Shopping and TravelUnit7 Seeing Doctor and Education and OccupationUnit8 Job Hunting and Marriage and LoveUnit9 Entertainment and Environm entUnit10 Homes and SocialProblemsAdvanced CourseUnit 11 Part One Special Types of Speech-The Welcome SpeechPart Two Panel Discussion-China's Entering into WTOPart Three Debate:Going Abroad & Brain DrainUnit 12 Part One Special Types of Speech-The Celebration SpeechPart Two Intrview-Are You Satisfied with the Product?Part Three Debate:Going Diet……Appendix