
出版时间:1998-12-09  出版社:华东理工大学出版社  作者:叶琳 汪丽影 彭曦  页数:275  字数:237000  




Unit 1 Business and Social Responsibility Social Responsibility at American ExpressUnit 2 Forms of business Ownership From Proprietorship to Corporation Ownership of corporationUnit 3 Franchising Two Types of Franchises Good Training:An Advantage of FranchisingUnit 4 The Job of a Manager Profile:Lee Iacocca Managerial SkillsUnit 5 Leadership How to Manage Your Boss Management and Entrepreneurial CharacteristicsUnit 6 Case Study:What Should captain Collins Do? Case Study:Charlie Has a Chance to Get Ahead Educational Backgroung of Successful ManagersUnit 7 Public Realations PubilcityUnit 8 Common Stock and Preferred Stock Investment Strategies Bull Markets and bear MarketsUnit 9 How Insurance Works Business Uses of Life Insurance No-fault Automobile InsuranceUnit 10 An Interview with Richard Brandson Human Relations at Hewlett-Packard Bill Gates of MicrosoftUnit 11 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Job Rotation and Job Enlargement Dealing with Job StressUnit 12 Orientation and Training Toyota Selects Employees for New Plant in Kentucky Case Study:Status Reversal Unit 13 Employee Interviews John Smale of P&C Executive HeadhuntersUnit 14 The Marketing Concept Dentists Attract New Patients with Marketing Do Most Firms Practice the Marketing Concept?Unit 15 Advertising Television as an Advertising Medium What an Advertiser NeedsUnit 16 Personal Selling Sales Presentations Rational and Emotional Boying MotivesAppendix I Word Study IndexAppendix II Key to Exercises



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