
出版时间:1999-04  出版社:中国地质大学出版社  


作 者 简 介


二 高一年级上学期完形填空同步训练
1.Cloze Passage for Unit 1 Senior 1A
A Story in Miss Richard's Class
2.Cloze Passages for Unit 2, Senior 1A
(A) I Just Did What You Told Me to
(B) Why Tom Is Sad All Day?
3.Cloze Passage for Unit 3, Senior 1A
Basic English
4.Cloze Passage for Unit 4 Senior 1A
Geoffrey Moorhouse's Travel Plan
5.Cloze Passage for Unit 5, Senior 1A
Take Care of the Soil
6.Cloze Passages for Unit 6 Senior 1A
(A) Cars and Life
(B) Do You Like to See the Traffic Lights?
7. Cloze Passage for Unit 7 Senior 1A
8.Cloze Passage for Unit 8 Senior 1A
9. Cloze Passages for Unit 9 Senior lA
(A) Is the Computer Too Clever?
(B) The President's Modem Secretary
10. Cloze Passages for Unit lO, Senior lA
(A) Great-grandfather of Boston Marathon
(B) No Medicine Is as Good as Sport
11. Cloze Passage for Unit ll, Senior lA
American Popular Music
12.Cloze Passage for Unit 12, Senior lA
Stolen Things Are Back
13.Cloze Passage for Unit 13 Senior lA
Something about American Presidents
14. Cloze Passage for Unit 14, Senior lA
An Open Heart
三 高一年级下学期完形填空同步训练
15. Cloze Passage for Unit 15, Senior 1B
16 Cloze Passage for Unit 16, Senior 1B
17 Cloze Passages for Unit 17, Senior 1B
(A)What to Do in Case of Fire?
(B) A Careless Driver
18. Cloze Passage for Unit 18 Senior 1B
Money Can' t Bring Paul Any Happiness
19. Cloze Passages for Unit 19 Senior 1B
(A) A Letter From Terry
(B) The Hand Rocking the Cradle Rules the World
20.Cloze Passage for Unit 20 Senior 1B
21.Cloze Passage for Unit 21, Senior 1B
English Today
22. Cloze Passage for Unit 22 Senior 1B
Britain and Ireland
23. Cloze Passage for Unit 23, Senior 1B
Forecasting the Weather
24.Cloze Passage for Unit 24 Senior 1B
25.Cloze Passages for Unit 25 Senior 1B
(A)The doctor's Note
(B)A lOO-Dollar Note
26.Cloze Passage for Unit 26 Senior 1B
Socrates -- a Great Thinker
四 高二年级上学期完形填空同步训练
27.Cloze Passage for Unit l Senior 2A
Disney Company
28.Cloze Passages for Unit 2, Senior 2A
(A)Snloking Problem in China
(B)Are Sounds Useful or Hannful?
29.Cloze Passage for Unit 3 Senior 2A
Whether Animals Have Language or Not
30.Cloze Passage for Unit 4 Senior 2A
Newspapers in Britain
31.Cloze Passage for Unit 5, Senior 2A
32.Cloze Passage for Unit 6, Senior 2A
Money System
33.Cloze Passage for Unit 7, Senior 2A
34.Cloze Passage for Unit 8 Senior 2A
Belt or Not Belt ?
35.Cloze Passage for Unit 9, Senior 2A
The World Is Getting Smaller
36. Cloze Passage for Unit 10 Senior 2A
A British Woman in Hong Kong
37.Cloze Passage for Unit 11 Senior 2 A
A Special Christmas Present
38.Cloze Passage for Unit 12 Senior 2A
Escape Danger Luckily
五 高二年级下学期完形填空同步训练
39.Cloze Passages for Unit 13 Senior 2B
(A)Albert Einstein
(B)School and Albert Einstein
40. Cloze Passage for Unit 14 Senior 2B
An Embarrassing Result
41. Cloze Passage for Unit 15 Senior 2B
Out of Danger
42.Cloze Passage for Unit 16, Senior 2B
A Letter Written 60 Years Ago
43.Cloze Passage for Unit 17, Senior 2B
A Rain Check
44.Cloze Passage for Unit 18, Senior 2B
Toilets in the USA
45.Cloze Passage for Unit 19, Senior 2B
Martin Luther King
46.Cloze Passage for Unit 20, Senior 2B
Charley Pride
47.Cloze Passage for Unit 21, Senior 2B
The Pop Revolution
48.Cloze Passage for Unit 22, Senior 2B
Jonathan Caught a Thief
49.Cloze Passage for Unit 23, Senior 2B
Living in a Telephone Society
50.Cloze Passages for Unit 24, Senior 28
(A)Bob Geldof, a Famous Pop Star
(B)A Rich Businessman' s Worries
六 高三年级上学期完形填空同步训练
51.Cloze Passage for Unit l Senior 3A
Learn from Madam Curie
52.Cloze Passages for Unit 2, Senior 3A
(A)Captain Cook
(B)Marie's Real Character and Spirit
53.Cloze Passage for Unit 3, Senior 3A
54. Cloze Passage for Unit 4 Senior 3A
The Population and Food Supply
55. Cloze Passage for Unit 5, Senior 3A
56. Cloze Passage for Unit 6, Senior 3A
57. Cloze Passage for Unit 7, Senior 3A
Ella Frant
58. Cloze Passage for Unit 8 Senior 3A
More Dead than Alive
59. Cloze Passage for Unit 9 Senior 3A
Player Aiming at Big Success
60. Cloze Passage for Unit lO Senior 3A
A "Dead Ray" Machine
61. Cloze Passage for Unit ll Senior 3A
The Lazy Sailor Accepted His Punishment
62. Cloze Passage for Unit 12 Senior 3A
Theodore Gericault and His Raft of the Medusa
七 高三年级下学期完形填空同步训练
63. Cloze Passage for Unit 13, Senior 3B
Chinese Americans
64. Cloze Passage for Unit 14, Senior 3B
The Professor's Questions
65. Cloze Passages for Unit 15 Senior 3B
(A)How a Child Leams a Language?
(B)Make the Most of School Days
66. Cloze Passage for Unit 16 Senior 3B
What should l Use My Scholarship to Do?
67. Cloze Passages for Unit 17 Senior 3B
(A)Unusual Powers
(B)Do You Know Bill Bronson?
68. Cloze Passages for Unit 18 Senior 3B
(A)Course on Fire Prevention Proves Helpful
(B)The SkyControl
69. Cloze Passage for Unit 19 Senior 3B
Exereise Helps Us Live Longer
70. Cloze Passage for Unit 20, Senior 3B
Good Use of Body Smell
71. Cloze Passage for Unit 21, Senior 3B
Having Small-Class Teaching
72. Cloze Passage for Unit 22, Senior 3B
Mary's Studies in a Hospital
73. Cloze Passage for Unit 23, Senior 3B
An Accident
74. Cloze Passage for Unit 24, Senior 3B
Finding a Job
八 高考复习完形填空强化训练
75. Cloze Practice l for NMET
The Measure of a Man's Real Character
76. Cloze Practice 2 for NMET
77. Cloze Practice 3 for NMET
A Robber Caught at Todd's Gas Station
78. Cloze Practice 4 for NMET
The Study of a Chimpanzee
79. Cloze Practice 5 for NMET
An Unknown Hero
80. Cloze Practice 6 for NMET
Sirens in London
81. Cloze Practice 7 for NMET
Dog-loving Gennans
82. Cloze Practice 8 for NMET
An Unpleasant Aftemoon
83. Cloze Practice 9 for NMET
Jim 's Reward
84. Cloze Practice 10 for NMET
A Diamond Ring
85. Cloze Practice 11 for NMET
A Butcher
86. Cloze Practice 12 for NMET
A Canadian Indian
87. Cloze Practice 13 for NME
Home Visit by Teachers Important
88. Cloze Practice 14 for NMET
A Talk on Modern Literature



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