
出版时间:2011-5  出版社:重庆大学出版社  作者:石洛祥 编  页数:181  




Chapter 1 New Year’S Day新年 、
Chapter 2 Martin Luther King’S Day马丁·路德·金日,
Chapter 3 Valentine’S Day情人节
Chapter 4 April Fool’S Day愚人节
Chapter 5 Easter复活节
Chapter 6 Mother’S Day母亲节
Chapter 7 US Independence Day美国独立日
Chapter 8 Halloween Day万圣节
Chapter 9 Veteran’S Day老兵节
Chapter 10 Thanksgiving Day感恩节
Chapter 11 Ch ristmas圣诞节
Chapter 12 Boxing Day礼盒节


  New Year for Jewish people is the most important event. Month ofSeptember and October (according to the Gregorian calender) are forwelcoming the New Year. Everybody is in high spirits and mood of thefestival. Festival celebrations begin with Rosh Hashanah and ends withYom Kippur.  Good health, long life and prosperity for all is the New Year wish ofevery Jewish. On a grand New Year celebration lots of enthusiasm canbe seen on the faces of Jewish people. There are many religiousbelieves associated with the celebrations of New Year. It was on thisday, God recreated fate of his creatures.  The origin of Jewish New Year can be traced from the holy Biblewhich has been celebrated over a thousand years. The Jewish NewYear takes place in the month of Tishri that are months of Septemberand October according to the Gregorian Calendar.  Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are the two major festivals rituallyperformed during ten days celebrations. The day of Rosh Hashanahcommemorates with lighting of candles. Family get-together is thecommon scene while celebrating Rosh Hashanah. People eat traditionalfood which includes apples dipped in honey reminding of all that issweet in life and a piece of baked bread. Prayers play a very importantrole in the celebrations, and people recite prayers on this day.  People celebrate the closeness with God on the day of YomKippur. It is believed that God gives chance to his people to repent fortheir sins. People look back the passed year and plan for the next year.The day is followed by strict tradition of fasting.  On Yom Kippur, people eat a festive meal, take holy bath and givecharity. In the course of festival, five prayers are offered to God.





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  •   很不错的值得一读
  •   全英文的,建议想提高英语的或有点英语的朋友可以看看。
  •   还行,刚收到,简单看了一眼
  •   本来想给孩子5级准备的,现在看来只有自己留着慢慢看了。都是文字,而且纸张不太好。只有十二个节日。而其
  •   书还不错吧、里面都是英文来的,不过单词并不难理解,若有中英文对照更加好。。
  •   内容有点过时,也不图文并茂, 字体太小,像是课本。当当什么时候开始收运费了,买了本13。8元的书,收了5元运费,郁闷中!!!!

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