出版时间:2009-8 出版社:重庆大学出版社 作者:张伟 编 页数:138
在汽车行业迅速发展的今天,汽车行业对专业技术人员的专业英语水平提出了较之以往更高的要求。尤其在外企,与外籍管理人员的沟通涉及大量行业英语的运用。而传统通用型大学英语教材无法满足企业员工对日趋专业化的英语专业技能的需求。教育部高等教育司在《高职高专英语课程教学基本要求》中明确提出,高职教育不同于一般的学历教育,培养的是技术、生产、管理、服务等领域的高等应用型专门人才,高等职业教育基础知识应为培养实际应用能力服务。就英语教学而言,不仅需要注重语言基础知识和基本技能的教学,而且必须突出实际应用语言能力的培养。为了适应汽车行业的发展并配合基础英语的教学,我们编写了这本《汽车英语》,旨在不断提高汽车类专业学生和相关人员的专业英语水平。 本书注重遵循“实用为主,够用为度”、“边学边用,学用结合”的原则,从高职学生的实际情况出发,一方面兼顾汽车专业英语知识学习的系统性,另一方面兼顾汽车专业工作过程的知识体系,以汽车构造为主线,注重技能性、突出实用性,加强实训、实践环节,深入浅出地介绍了汽车各主要系统的构造和工作原理;电子喷射、安全气囊、电子传感器等汽车新技术;还介绍了车轮定位仪、汽车清洗机等汽车维护技术。全书共分为11个单元,每单元前有教学目标,单元后有词汇表、句子注释、练习题和自主学习资料,便于教师教学和学生自学,突出重点、难点,方便学生复习和巩固汽车专业英语知识。每个单元包括课文、配图、词汇、练习、阅读材料等内容。 此外,本书还对科技文章翻译、写作、惯用表达法等作了系统的介绍,旨在指导学生了解掌握阅读、写作科技文章的方法。
Unit 1 General Introduction to the Structure of Motor vehicleUnit 2 Engine Construction and Operation PrincipleUnit 4 Engine Cooling and Lubrication SystemUnit 5 Engine Ignition System and Starting SystemUnit 6 Automobile Emission ControlUnit 7 Introduction to Key SensorsUnit 8 Anti-lock Brake SystemUnit 9 Wheel Computer—aligneUnit 10 Car WashUnit 11 Automotive Checking and Repairing课文译文
The drive shaft, or the propener shaft, connects the transmission output shaft to thefinal reduction gear shaft. Since not all roads are perfectly wsmooth, and the transmission is fixed, the drive shaft must be flexible to absorb theshocks of bumps in the road. Therefore, it is always made of alloy steel, which is lightand flexible enough. Universal or the " U-joints" allow the drive shaft to transmit powerwhen the drive angle changes.Brake System Brake system is the device that makes use of the outside world (mainly roads) toexert certain force upon some parts of the motor vehicle (mainly wheels), thus to imposeon the car a certain degree of brake force. Its function is that it must be able to stop thecar, prevent excess speed when coasting, and hold the vehicle in position when stoppedon grades. Each vehicle must have two independent brake systems for safety. The mainbrake system is hydraulically operated and is called the service bake system. Meanwhilethe auxiliary or parking brake system is mechanically operated. The motor car brakesystems are divided into three kinds of service brake combinations: dram brakes, discbrakes, and disc-drum combinations.