出版时间:2009-7 出版社:重庆大学出版社 作者:黑玉琴 编 页数:411
英语专业八级考试随着其权威性与社会影响的日益扩大,愈加受到考生们的重视。在试卷构成方面,阅读理解题所占比重高达20%,成为“重中之重”。2005年新大纲中对阅读理解部分的测试要求是“(a)能读懂一般英美报刊杂志上的社论、政治和书评,既能理解其主旨和大意,又能分辨出其中的事实与细节。(b)能读懂一般历史传记及文学作品,既能理解其字面意义又能理解其隐含意义”。此外,阅读理解能力也是做好其他部分的基础。在备考时,把阅读理解作为切人点,可以“一箭多雕”,对于提高考生的整体英语水平有着重要的意义。为此,我们全力推出这本《英语专业八级考试·阅读精练200篇》。 本书的最大特点是各章节按题材分类。文章题材丰富、面广,从人文社科到自然科学,再到时事政治,其内容尽量包含阅读短文所涉及的范围。文章及习题的编排遵循由易到难、循序渐近的原则,从难度适中、篇幅较短的基础技能训练,到真题选编或高于真题的实战演练。我们相信广泛的阅读可以提高考生的阅读理解能力,也可以巩固和提高语言应用能力,达到事半功倍的目的。希望更多具有中级以上英文水平的学习者和大学高年级在校英语专业学生,通过本书200篇的系统强化训练之后,能提高英文的阅读理解能力和阅读速度,扩大词汇量,能尽快跨越阅读关,获取优异的考试成绩。 本书共分为五章。第一章:新大纲专八阅读考试简介及阅读考试应试技巧;第二章:社会与人文学科类阅读短文及答案解析;第三章:自然科学与现代科技类阅读短文及答案解析;第四章:综合类阅读短文及答案解析;第五章:时事类阅读短文与真题选编。书的末尾附上答案解析。
第一章 新大纲下的专业八级阅读及解题技巧 第一节 高校英语专业八级考试(2005新大纲)简介 第二节 英语专业八级阅读理解应试技巧第二章 阅读实战200篇 第一节 社会与人文学科类阅读短文 第二节 自然科学与现代科技类阅读短文 第三节 综合类阅读短文 第四节 时事类阅读短文 第五节 历年真题选编附录 阅读实战200篇参考答案及答案解析
Text 152 The liberal view of democratic citizenship that developed in the 17th and 18th centuries wasfundamentally different from that of the classical Greeks. The pursuit of private interest with aslittle interference as possible from government was seen as the road to human happiness andprogress rather than the public obligations and involvement in the collective community that wereemphasized by the Greeks. Freedom was to be realized by limiting the scope of governmentalactivity and political obligation and not through immersion in the collective life of the polis. Thebasic role of the citizen was to select governmental leaders and keep the powers and scope of publicauthority in check. On the liberal view, the rights of citizens against the state were the focus ofspecial emphasis. Over time, the liberal democratic notion of citizenship developed in two directions. First, therewas a movement to increase the proportion of members of society who were eligible to participate ascitizens-especially through extending the right of suffrage —— and to ensure the basic politicalequality of all. Second, there was a broadening of the legitimate activities of government and a useof governmental power to redress imbalances in social and economic life. Political citizenshipbecame an instrument through which groups and classes with sufficient numbers of votes could usethe state power to enhance their social and economic well-being.