
出版时间:2008-10  出版社:重庆大学出版社  作者:张树坤  页数:174  


  近年来,随着我国会展业的快速发展,开设了会展专业的大专院校也日益增多。作为一个国际交流与合作十分频繁的行业,会展业要求从业人员必须具备一定的英语水平,尤其是使用专业英语开展业务沟通的能力。为此,重庆大学出版社组织我们编写了这本《会展英语》,以弥补目前国内会展专业教材相对匮乏的不足。  本教材在内容、体例以及文章的难易程度上较之于已经出版的同类教材有一些不同之处。内容实用。作为一本面向高职院校会展专业的教材,《会展英语》充分考虑了内容的实用性与知识性,克服了某些专业英语教材只注重语言知识而忽视内容的专业性等缺点。因此,本教材的内容基本涉及了会展服务的各个业务流程。学生学完本教材,不仅可以掌握必要的会展专业英语知识,重要的是可以学到会展专业的相关技能,达到既提高英语水平又巩固和拓展会展专业知识的目的。


本书的内容涉及了会展服务的各个业务流程,按照会展业务的基本内容分为15个单元,每个单元则分为:Industry Basics(会展业务基础)、Business Skills(业务技能)、Key Terms(关键词语)、Notes(注释)、Exercises(练习)5个部分。在相关单元还配备了图片,每个部分的内容清晰明了,知识重点及难点通过老师的讲解便可以得到解决。    本教材所选取的材料全部涉及会展实务,语言地道、简洁,难易适度、通俗易懂,既适合高职高专会展策划与管理专业和旅游管理类专业使用,也适合会展行业英语爱好者自学。


Unit One  MeetingsUnit Two  Site InspectionUnit Three  Yield Management and Hotel NegotiationsUnit Four  ContractsUnit Five  MarketingUnit Six  RegistrationUnit Seven   Meeting Room SetupsUnit Eight  Meeting MaterialsUnit Nine   Exhibitions and Trade ShowsoUnit Ten  Audio-VisualUnit Eleven  Traffic FlowUnit Twelve  Food & BeverageUnit Thirteen  Onsite ManagementUnit Fourteen  Bill ReviewUnit Fifteen  Post-Convention Report参考文献


  "To join, be united, encounter, come face to face, come together, come into contact or connection with" is one definition of the term meeting. The term is sufficiently generic to cover any type of gathering. Yet there are many kinds of meetings, and different names are given to them depending on such factors as their size and objectives. Some common types are listed below. Trade shows, exhibitions, and minitrade shows are additional types of meetings.  Keep in mind that one can call a meeting by any name desired. The name of a meeting is up to the meeting organizers.  Convention  This term usually is used to describe meetings that are national in scope. In many cases, convention goers are chosen to attend as representatives of their local organizational chapters. Most conventions are. quite large. The Democratic and Republican party conventions are prime examples, although a statewide meeting of public health nurses can also be called a convention.


  作为一本面向高职院校会展专业的教材,《会展英语》充分考虑了内容的实用性与知识性,克服了某些专业英语教材只注重语言知识而忽视内容的专业性等缺点。因此,本教材的内容基本涉及了会展服务的各个业务流程。学生学完本教材,不仅可以掌握必要的会展专业英语知识,重要的是可以学到会展专业的相关技能,达到既提高英语水平又巩固和拓展会展专业知识的目的。  《会展英语》按照会展业务的基本内容分为15个单元,每个单元还配备了图片,每个部分的内容清晰明了,知识重点及难点通过老师的讲解便可以得到解决。




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