出版时间:2008-8 出版社:重庆大学出版社 作者:何萍 主编 页数:157
《医学基础英语》是根据教育部最新颁布的《高职高专英语课程教学基本要求》,结合高职高专学生的英语现状及专业水平而编写的一本行业英语教材。本书紧紧把握“实用为主,够用为度,应用为目的”的原则,在选材的难易程度上坚持以基础为主,无论在词汇、语法结构上,还是专业知识方面都避免过深过繁,适合该层次的学生从普通英语到专业英语过渡,也可作为医学类专业人员的自学教材。 本书采取“以学生为中心”的主题教学模式,注重语言的实用性及应用能力的训练,从听、说、读、写、译几个方面来设置课程和开展教学活动,由浅入深地向专业知识涉足。 全书共十个单元,每个单元主要由听力对话,课文、阅读及练习构成。每个单元涉及一个医学专业,如药学、生物制品、中医、临床医学(内外科)、骨科、针灸,医学检验、社区医学及助产等,可广泛用于医学类各专业的学生。 书末附有常见医学英语词汇及构词法,供学生查阅。 书后附有练习答案和译文,供教师教学参考。 由于编写时间较紧,水平有限,疏漏在所难免,敬望读者提出宝贵意见,以期使之更加完善。 本教材各单元编写人员如下: 第一单元:何萍;第二单元:江晓东;第三单元:杨永刚;第四单元:王炎峰;第五单元:余可;第六单元:孙婕;第七单元:王宇;第八单元:莫瑛;第九单元:谢家鑫;第十单元:刘航。
Unlt 1 About PharmaceuticsUnit 2 About Biological ProductsUnil 3 About Traditional Chinese MedicineUnit 4 About Surgery。Unit 5 About InternaI MedicineUnit 6 About OsteologyUnit 7 About Medical Insp&ctionUnit 8 About Acupuncture and MoxibustionUnit 9 About Community ClinicUnit 10 About Obstetrics and GynecologyAppendices
Traditional Chinese medical theories have two major features, their holistic point of view, and their application of treatment according to the differentiation(鉴别) of symptom-complexes. According to these traditional viewpoints, the zang-fu organs are the core of the human body as an organic entity (有机整体) in which tissues and sense organs are connected through a network of channels and collaterals (脉络) (blood vessels). This concept is applied widely to physiology, pathology (病理学), diagnosis, and treatment. The functional physiological activities of the zang-fu organs are dissimilar, but they work in coordination. There exists an organic connection between the organs and their related tissues. Pathologically, a dysfunction (机能障碍) of the zang-fu organs may be reflected on the body surface through the channels and their collaterals (i. e. blood flowing in the blood vessels near body surface). At the same time, diseases of body surface tissues may also affect their related zang or fu organs. Affected zang or fu organs may also influence each other through internal connections. Traditional Chinese medical treatment consists of regulating the functions of the zang-fu organs in order to correct pathological changes. With acupuncture, treatment is accomplished by stimulating certain areas of the external body. Not only is the human body an organic whole, but it is also a unified entity within nature, so changes in the natural environment may directly or indirectly affect it. For example, changes of the four seasons, and the alternations of day and night may change the functional condition of the human body, while various geographical environments can influence differences in body constitution (体质), and so on. These factors must be considered when diagnosis and treatment are given. The principles of treatment are expected to be coordinated with the different seasons and environments.