出版时间:1970-1 出版社:重庆大学出版社 作者:黄希敏 页数:157
《美国口语俚语说得溜》作者黄希敏教授以其在美国居住、教学数二十年的经验,随时随地以笔记方式,从日常生活对话、电视、电影、广播和报道杂志收集当今流行美国各年龄阶层、各行各业的词汇和短语。《美国口语俚语说得溜》每个例句完全取材自实际的美国流行口语和俚语,以中英对照方式帮助读者了解原意,对正确使用流行美语及认识美国文化助益良多,平时多加翻查,定可学得最地道的英文表达法。 《美国口语俚语说得溜》特点: 收录最新实用口语俚语,并附美语MP3一张。 每个俚语皆附例句,并以中英双语形式对照呈现。 全书双色编排,易读易懂;并附趣味插画诠释词条。加强学习效果。
黄希敏,台湾政大西洋语文学士,加州Occidental College比较文学硕士、德州大学(奥斯汀)应用语言学博士。居住美国近二十年,曾任德州大学汉语部主任、东吴大学英文副教授、休斯顿大学外语系客座副教授。现任台北科技大学应用英文系副教授。 著作: 《英语成语的故事》 《语言的社会学》 《听听美国人怎么说》 《中英惯用语双向通》 《GRE字体分析及记忆法》
Aacross-the-boardact upad libadd insult to injuryahead of the gamean extensive followingairbrain/airheadalign oneself withall earsall hell broke looseall—outall fight alreadyall the wayall thumbsall wetalong for the fideambulance chaserantsyA—okan alTn and a legas...as all get outas lSas the crow fliesASAPask for itat the drop of a hatawesomeBback offback outback,put something on the backburnerback at/to square onebackseat driverbadbad bloodbad—mouthbad newsbaggageballpark figurebaloneybananasbank Onbar nonebarfbarge inbasket casebean counterbeat a dead housebeat itbeats mebeeswaxbelly laughbelly—upbent out of shapebend over backwardsbetween a rock and a hard placebigbig dealbig idea.What’s the big idea?big league,hit the big leagues/timebig man on campusbig picturebig shot(=VIP,big cheese,bigwheel)big stink/fussbingebirdbrainbite the bulletbite the dustblabbermouthblack and whiteblack outblah-blah-blahblastbleeding heartblockbusterblockheadblow itblow off steamblow the lid offblow the whistle onblow upblow your coolblow your coverblow your t00/stack/wi9/corkBLTblue in the faceboat,rock the boatboguebogusboneheadbondingbOO—booboob,the boob tube(the tube)/the idiot boxboogiebook,by the bookborn loserbottom linebow outbozobrainstormbreadwinnerbreak,give someone a breakbreak a legbreak inbreak it upbreak outbreak someone upbreak,the breaksbreak the news tobreed,a new breed ofbreeze(= piece of cake)bright·-eyed and bushy-·tailedbring down the housebring home the baconbrokebroken recordbrown-bag itbrown—nosebrownie pointsbuckbuck.nakedbug offbullheadedbum aroundbum rap(be)bummed outbummerbundleburn,be burned out(from)burn someone upburpbush,be bushed(from)butt inbutter upbutterfingersbutterflies,have/get butterflies(in one’S stomach)button your lipbuybuy intobuy timebuzz,give a buzzby and largeCcall it quitscall someone’S bluffcall the shotscapitalize oncarry...throughcarry a/the torch forcat gets your tonguecatch on tocatch someone redhandedchange of heartcheap,take cheap shots/a cheapshotcheapiecheapocheck,run a check oncheck outcheck up onchew someone outchicken outchill outchip,when the chips are downchip inchip,a chip off the old blockchow downcinchclam upclamp down onclannishclean up your actclear upcliffhangerclincherclip someone’s wingsclock inclose.a close shave/callcloud,on cloud ninecloutclue,not have a cluecockamamiecold.a cold day in hellcold shouldercold turkeycold feetcome acrosscome aftercome againcome cleancome down hard oncome down withcome easilycome on tocome up withcome with the territorycomebackconk outcontrol freakcook upcoolcool itcop—outcopycatcornycouch potatocough it upcould not care lesscover forcrack upcrankycrash and burncrazy aboutcreepycrib card/sheetcross a bridge when/before youcome to Itcruisecrummycut a dealcut it outDdamday in courtdead aheaddead giveawaydeadbeatdeal someone indeep troubledibsdiddly squatdie fordingbatdipdirty workdisdizzydo a number ond0—hickeydon’t have a cowdon’t knock itdorkydo timedoughdown and outdown in the dumpsdown to the wiredownerdragdrive someone up the walldrop,a drop in the bucketdrop deaddrop in/by/overdrop outdrown your SOITOWSduckduddudeEear,keep an ear to the groundearful,an earful ofearly birdelbow greaseelevator musiceven-steveneye—openerFface up tofake itfair shakefake someone outfall fiatfall forfancy—schmancya far cry fromfar outfast,life in the fast laBefed upfeel someone outfiddle aroundfill someone in onfishyfit(the description)to a Tfix someone upflakyflip outflip to the...side’flopfluke,on a flukeflustered,be flusteredfly off the handlefly thecoopfollowthrough onfbol aroundfor crying out loudforget itfor openersfoul upfeak outfreebiefreeloaderfrom scratchfudgefunkyGgag me with a spoongawkgee whizget a clueget a grip onget a kick out ofget a load ofget a move onget away withget afterget away with murderget in someone’S hairget goingget lostget on someone’s nervesget off someone’S backget on the ballget overget the driftget the hang ofget through toget the pictureget with itget your feet wetgive it a shot/whirlgive someone a hard timegive someone a ringgive outglitteratigo—aheadgo all outgo along withgo Dutchgo fly a kitego for itgo offthe deep endgonergoody two shoesgoof around/offgoof upgo overboardgo placesgo publicgo up in smokego with the flowgrade,make the gradegreen thumbgrossgross someone outgroupieguest,be my guestgung—hoHhalf-bakedhands downhands—offhands—on experiencehang aroundhang in therehang outhang up onhard,be hard onhard-corehas-beenhasslehave a ballhave a bone to pick withhave a chip on your shoulderhave a field dayhave,do not have a prayerhave had ithave it bad forhave it goodhave it in forhithit someone with a problemhit it offhit the ceilinghit the hay/sackhit the road……IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
你知道bean counter、Cold shoulder、Indian summer等美式俚语,该怎么用中文解释吗?out of the blue、painin the ass、rain check又是什么意思呢?要把美语讲得地道,可不是一天两关就可以做到的!