
出版时间:2008-7  出版社:重庆大学出版社  作者:蒲度戎 主编  页数:251  


  我国的大学英语教学起步于20世纪80年代,经过20多年的发展,大学英语在教学水平、课程设置、教学方法、教学环境、师资队伍等各个方面都有了长足的进步和发展。但随着我国加入WTO和国民经济的快速发展,大学英语教学暴露出与时代要求不相称的一面。为适应现代社会对人才培养的实际需求,推动和指导大学英语教学改革,教育部于2003年颁布了《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》(以下简称《要求》),并于2007年结合对人才能力培养的新要求再次做了修订和调整,作为全国各高校组织非英语专业本科生英语教学的主要依据。  《要求》


本书属于大学英语选修课系列教材,由“诗歌要素”、“诗歌种类”、“诗歌主题”和“更多诗歌欣赏”四部分组成。此外,本书的两个附录“术语表”和“诗人小传”对教与学也十分有帮助。全书涉及54位英语诗人,包括90首英语诗歌,主要收录19世纪和20世纪的作品,这些作品都是有代表性的短篇名作,划入相关学习单元,便于课堂教学和课外自学。考虑到英语国家地域的广阔性、文化的多样性和诗歌成就的丰富性,在重点选择了英国和美国的诗人和诗作之后,本书适当增加了爱尔兰、新西兰、加拿大和圣卢西亚的诗人和诗作。    本书特色鲜明,易于教学,又系统专业,虽为大学英语学生选修科设计,也适合英语专业学生。


Part One  Elements of Poetry Unit One  Meter and Rhythm  The Pasture    Annabel Lee    A Psalm of Life    We Real Cool Unit Two  Stanza and Rhyme    The Night Has a Thousand Eyes    I Died for Beauty    Ars Poetiea    The Windhover Unit Three  Speaker and Tone    Still I Rise    A Far Cry from Africa    The Song of Wandering Aengus    Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave? Unit Four  Figurative Language    A Birthday    All the World' s a Stage    A Narrow Fellow in the Grass    Cynara Unit Five  Image and Symbol    Cavalry Crossing a Ford    In a Station of the Metro    Anecdote of the Jar    The Second ComingPart Two  Types of Poetry Unit Six Ballad    A Red, Red Rose    The Last Rose of Summer    Boots of Spanish Leather    Ballad of Birmingham Unit Seven  Ode    Ode to the West Wind Unit Eight  Sonnet    Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?    How Do I Love Thee?    America      Why Brownlee Left Unit Nine  Free Verse    I Hear America Singing    Chicago    The Red Wheelbarrow    The Negro Speaks of Rivers Unit Ten  Shaped Verse    40--Love    The Window    Swan and ShadowPart Three  Themes of Poetry  Unit Eleven  Friendship    When, in Disgrace with Fortune and Men's Eyes    The Arrow and the Song    Break, Break, Break    In Memory of Eva Gore-Booth and Con Markiewicz Unit Twelve  Love    Love' s Philosophy    The Soul Selects Her Own Society    When You Are Old    Permanently Unit Thirteen  Life    Dreams      The Road Not Taken    Sea-Fever      Success Is Counted Sweetest Unit Fourteen  Nature    Spring    I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud    On the Grasshopper and Cricket    The Lake Isle of Innisfree Unit Fifteen  Death      Because I Could Not Stop for Death    When I Am Dead, My Dearest    Requiem    Mid-Term Break Unit Sixteen  Patriotism    My Heart's in the Highlands    I Travelled among Unknown Men    My Grave    The Gift OutrightPart Four  Enjoying More English Poems George Herbert ( 1593-1633 )    The Altar William Wordsworth ( 1770-1850 )    The Solitary Reaper Thomas Moore (1779-1852)    The Harp That Once Through Tara' s Halls Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)   Ozymandias Walt Whitman (181%1892)    1 Saw in Louisiana a Live-Oak Growing    A Sight in Camp in the Daybreak Gray and Dim Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)    My Life Closed Twice Before Its Close    If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)    In Time of "The Breaking of Nations"   Katharine Tynan ( 1    Not Lovers Then    Any Woman William Butler Yeats ( 1865-1939 )    The Stolen Child    The Mask   Robert Frost ( 1874-1963 )    Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening    Birches Thomas Stearns Eliot ( 1888-1965 )    The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock E. E. Cummings (1894-1962)    Love Is More Thicker Than Forget Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973)    In Memory of W. B. Yeats R. S. Thomas (1913-2000)      Welsh Landscape Robert Lowell (1917-1977)    Skunk Hour Donald Justice (b. 1925)      Ode to a Dressmaker's Dummy James K. Baxter (1926-1972)    New Zealand Ted HughesBZ ( 1930-1998 )    Hawk Roosting Derek Walcott (b. 1930)    Winding Up Adrian Henri (1932-2000)    Tonight at Noon Margaret Atwood ( b. 1939)    You Fit into Me Seamus Heaney ( b. 1939)    Bogland    From the Republic of Conscience Eavan Boland ( b. 1944)    Mother IrelandAppendix Ⅰ  Glossary  Appendix Ⅱ  Biographical Sketches


  The Windhover  To Christ Our Lord  By Gerard Manley Hopkins(1844-1889)I caught this morning mornings minion,kingdom of daylights dauphin,dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon,in his riding  Of the rolling level underneath him steady air,and striding High there.how he rung upon the rein。of a wimpling。wing In his ecstasy!then off,off forth on swing, As a skates heel sweeps smooth on a bow—bend:the hurl and gliding  Rebuffed the big wind.My heart in hiding Stirred for a bird,the achieve of,the mastery of the thing! Brute beauty and valour and act,oh,air,pride,plume,here  Buckle!AND the fire that breaks from thee then.a billion Times told lovelier,more dangerous,O my chevalier4 1  No wonder of it:sh6er p16d makes plough down sillions hine,and blue—bleak embers,ah my dear,  Fall,gall themselves,and gash gold—vermillion.  注释  霍普金斯生前是一位耶稣会的传教士,死后诗名扶摇直上。他的诗在意境、格律和词藻上都有创新,其内容则表现自然界万物的个性以及诗人对大自然的感怀,宗教色彩浓厚。他采用一种“弹跳韵律”(sprung rhythm),竭力仿效“日常语言的自然节奏”,喜好用头韵、内韵、略语、复喻,并生造新词,风格清新活泼。“The Windhover”描绘风鹰,发表于1918年,当时诗人已去世二十年。诗人热切地赞美风鹰的粗犷的姿态、勇猛的力量和姣好的身形,想到了造物主的力量和高贵,因而亲切而激情地呼唤基督为“我的骑士”。1.minion:宠臣。




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用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   有很多著名的诗歌 买来上课的
  •   书很好,准备考研用的
  •   书的内容很丰富,很新颖。书的编排很合理。翻译质量也很高。
  •   诗歌是英语语言文学的精华,德国作家歌德说:"一个人每天应该至少听一首歌,读一首诗,如果可能,说上极具有道理的话。”这是每一个有文化修养的人的理想生活,也是我的追求。
  •   挺好的,有很多诗歌的介绍。
  •   很不错,编排的很合理,注释详略得当,翻译的还可以。可能个人喜好吧,感觉不如以前零散读到过的翻译的好。收录的诗更多一些就更爽了,不过收录还是比较广泛了,还有bob dylan的一首
  •   帮朋友购买的!

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