
出版时间:2007-8  出版社:重庆大学  作者:晏奎,王永梅主编  页数:312  字数:378000  


《基础英语教程》是高等学校英语专业综合英语教材,全套共四册。本册为第一册,选文以友谊、兴趣、语言、英美文化、世界文明为主,材料新颖、内容健康、语青地道、启发性强。    本册共12个单元,每个单元由四大部分组成:阅读理解(含Pre-reading Tasks、Text、Notes to the Text、Comprehension Tasks)、语言能力(含词法、句法)、技能训练、拓展练习(含Further Work、Learning to Learn、Self-Assessment)。通过本册的学习和训练,力求使学生在知识、技能、文化、情感、策略五个方面获得进步和提高。


Unit 1  Text: Strength of a Single Syllable  Linguistic Competence  Skill Development  Supplementary Reading: If You Speak English  Further Work  Learning to Learn: Introductory Remarks  Self-AssessmentUnit2  Text: Words That Really Move Us  Linguistic Competence  Skill Development  Supplementary Reading: The Perfect Match  Further Work  Learning to Learn: Creating Mental Linkages (I) : Grouping  Self-AssessmentUnit 3  Text: Two Truths to Live by  Linguistic Competence  Skill Development  Supplementary Reading: The Style of Living  Further Work  Learning to Learn: Creating Mental Linkages (II) : Associating  Self-AssessmentUnit 4  Text: The Girl in the Fifth Row  Linguistic Competence  Skill Development  Supplementary Reading: The Most Beautiful Heart  Further Work  Learning to Learn : Creating Mental Linkages (III ) : Placing New Words into a Context  Self-AssessmentUnit 5  Text: In Pursuit of 15 Seconds of Fame  Linguistic Competence  Skill Development  Supplementary Reading: The Voices of Time  Further Work  Learning to Learn: Applying Images and Sounds ( I ) : Representing Sounds in Memory  Self-AssessmentUnit 6  Text: West Point  Linguistic Competence  Skill Development  Supplementary Reading: Harrow Public School  Further Work  Learning to Learn: Applying Images and Sounds ( II ) : Semantic Mapping  Self-AssessmentUnit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12WORD LIST



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