
出版时间:2007-6  出版社:重庆大学  作者:胡小平  页数:333  


  《精编国家精品教材:数字图像处理概论(英文缩编版)》是美国Alasdair McAndrew所著Introduction to Digital Image Processing with MATLAB一书的缩编版。按照我国60学时的教学要求缩编而成。  缩编后的内容充实,涵盖了低层次图像处理(图像增强、图像恢复)和高层次图像处理(形态学、图像分割、图像表示与描述和图像压缩)的全部基础内容,习题和教材内容结合紧密,便于学生巩固所学知识。同时,缩编作者对原书部分难点进行了注释,帮助读者更好地理解所学内容。  《精编国家精品教材:数字图像处理概论(英文缩编版)》可作为图像处理专业课程本科生双语教学教材。


PREFACECHAPTER 1 Introduction1.1 hnages and Pictures1.2 What is Image Processing?1.3 Image Acquisition and Samplin~1.4 Images and Digital Images1.5 Some Applications1.6 Aspects of Image Processing1.7 An hnage-Processing Task1.8 Types of Digital Images1.9 Image File Sizes1.10 Image PerceptionExercisesCHAPTER 2 Images and MATLAB2.1 Grayscale Images2.2 RGB Images2.3 Indexed Color Images2.4 Data Types and Conversions2.5 Image Files and Formats2.6 Files in MATLABExercisesCHAPTER 3 Image Display3.1 Introduction3.2 Basics of Image Display3.3 The imshow Function3.4 Bit Planes3.5 Spatial Resolution3.6 Quantization mad DitheringExercisesCHAPTER 4 Point Processing4.1 Introduction4.2 Arithmetic Operations4.3 Histograms4.4 Lookup TablesExerciserCHAPTER 5 Neighborhood Processing5.1 Introduction5.2 Notation5.3 Filtering in MATLAB5.4 Frequencies : Low-and High Pass Filters5.5 Gaussian Filters5.6 Edge Sharpening5.7 Nonlinear FiltersExercisesCHAPTER 6 Image Geometry6.1 Interpolation of Data6.2 hnage Interpolation6.3 General Interpolation6.4 Enlargement by Spatial Filtering6.5 Scaling Smaller6.6 RotationExercisesCHAPTER 7 The Fourier Transform7.1 Introduction7.2 The Two-Dimensional DFF7.3 Fourier Transforms in MATLAB7.4 Fourier Transforms of Images7.5 Filtering in the Frequency Domain7.6 Homomorphic FilteringExercisesCHAPTER 8 Image Restoration8.1 Introduction8.2 Noise8.3 Cleaning Salt and Pepper Noise8.4 Cleaning Gaussian Noise8.5 Removal of Periodic Noise8.6 Inverse Filtering8.7 Wiener FilteringExercisesCHAPTER 9 Image Segmentation9.1 Introduction9.2 Thresholding9.3 Applications of Thresholding9.4 Choosing an Appropriate Threshold Value9.5 Adaptive Thresholding9.6 Edge Detection9.7 Derivatives and Edges9.8 Second Derivatives9.9 The Canny Edge Detector……CHAPTER 10 Mathematical MorphologyCHAPTER 11 Image TopologyCHAPTER 12 Shapes and BoundariesCHAPTER 13 Color ProcassingCHAPTER 14 Image Coding and CompressdionBIBLIOGRAPHYTERMIOLOGIES USED IN THE BOOK



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