出版时间:2006-1 出版社:重庆大学 作者:鲍尔斯 页数:387
本书是根据美国Joseph E.Bowles所著的《Foundation Analysis And Design》一书的第5版缩编而成。原书正文共分为20章。其中,属于土力学,专节介绍计算机程序运用和与我国高等院校《基础工程》教材内容无关或关系不大的内容皆被删除,本书保留了11章。在内容编排上,保持了原版书的风格并与我国高等院校通用的《基础工程》教材内容保持一致。因此,可作为高等院校土木工程以及相关专业本科生,研究生《基础工程》双语教材,亦可供从事基础工程设计、估价、管理、研究的专业人员参考使用。 本书承续前4版的风格,提供了目前有关基础工程工艺(SOA)和实践(SOP)的若干方法,包括最新的基础工程设计与分析的方法;不仅注意理论知识的阐述、紧密结合实际工程的设计与分析,而且强调了计算机和有限元法(FEM)在基础工程中的应用和工程实践中的普及。
1 Introduction 1.1 Foundations:Their Importance and Purpose 1.2 Foundation Engineering 1.3 Foundation:Classifications and Select Definitions 1.4 Foundation :General Requirements 1.5 Foundation:Additional Considerations 1.6 Foundations:Selection of Type 1.7 The International System of Units(SI)and the Foot-Pound-Second (Fps)System 1.8 Computational Accuracy Versus Design Precision 1.9 Computer Programs in Foundation Analysis and Design2 Bearing Capacity of Foundations 2.1 Inatroduction 2.2 Bearing Capacity for Footings On Layered Soils 2.3 Bearing Capacity of Footings on Slopes 2.4 Bearing Cpacity from Field Load Tests 2.5 Safety Factors in Foundation Design 2.6 Bearing Capacity of Rock Problems3 Improving Site Soils for Foundation Use 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Lightweight and Structural Fills 3.3 Compaction 3.4 Soil-Cement, Lime, and Fly Ash 3.5 Precompression to Improve Site SOils 3.6 Drainge Using Blankets and Drains 3.7 Sand Columns to Increase Soil Stiffness 3.8 Stone Columns 3.9 Soil-Cement Piles/Columns 3.10 Jet Grouting 3.11 Foundation Grouting and Chemical Stabilization 3.12 Vibratory Methods toInccrease Soil Density 3.13 Use of Geotextiles to Improve Soil 3.14 Altering Groundwater Conditions Problems4 Factors to Consideer in Foundation Design 4.1 Footing Depth and Spacing 4.2 Displaced Soil Effects 4.3 Net Versus Gross Soil Pressure :Dseign Soil Pressures 4.4 Erosion Problems for Structures Adjacent to Flowing Water 4.5 Corrosion Protection 4.6 Water Table Fluctuation 4.7 Foundations in Sand and Silt Deposits 4.8 Foundations on Loess and Other Collapsible Soils 4.9 Foundations on Unsaturated Soils Subject to Volume Change with Channge in Water content 4.10 Foundations on Clays and Clayey Silts 4.11 Foundations on Residual Soils 4.12 Foundations on Sanitary Landfill Sites 4.13 Frost Depth and Foundations onPermafrost 4.14 Environmental Considerations Problems5 Spread Footing Design 5.1 Footings:Classification and Purpose 5.2 Allowable Soil Pressures in Spread Footing Design 5.3 Assumptions Used in Footing Design 5.4 Rectangular Footings 5.5 Eccentrically Loaded Spread Footings 5.6 Unsymmetrical Footings 5.7 Wall Footings and Footings for Residential Construction Problems6 Special Footings and Beams on Elastisc Foundations7 Mat Foundatiions8 Mechanically Stabilized Earth and Concrete Retaining Walls9 Sheet-Pile Walls:Cantilevered and Anchored10 Single Piles-Static Capacity and Lateral Loades;Pile/Pole Bucking 11 Pile Foundations:GroupsAppendix AReferences