
出版时间:2003-9  出版社:重庆大学  作者:周仪  页数:183  




Chapter One Chinese History  Ⅰ A Chronological Table of Chinese History  Ⅱ A Summary of Chinese History  Ⅲ Historical ClassicsChapter Two Philosophy and Religion  Ⅰ Confucianism  Ⅱ Taoism  Ⅲ Buddhism  Ⅳ Moism and Legalism  Ⅴ Yi Jing(Book of Changes)Chapter Three Literature and Art  Ⅰ A Summary of Chinese Literature  Ⅱ Six Arts and Four Treasures of the Studio in Ancient China  Ⅲ Calligraphy and Painting  Ⅳ Acrobatic Art,Martial Arts,Taiji Quan and Qigong  Ⅴ Beijing Opera and Other Local OperasChapter Four Science and Technology  Ⅰ Four Great Inventions  Ⅱ Scientific and Technological ClassicsChapter Five Education  Ⅰ Ancient Private School  Ⅱ Present Educational SystemChapter Six Manners and Customs  Ⅰ China's Tea Culture  Ⅱ China's Wine Culture  Ⅲ China's Culture of Food and Drink  Ⅳ Traditional FestivalsChapter Seven Tourism and Culture  Ⅰ Culture in Tourism  Ⅱ Tourist Resorts and Attractions  Ⅲ Tourist Products and SouvenirsBibliography




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  •   这本书是我们上课要用的书,书的背面都被压出了好多皱褶,书页里面也有皱褶,真是不知道怎么保管书的。
  •   包装挺好的,书很新,价钱也合理!
  •   老师推荐买的,这本书还不错
  •   书还凑合。就是书的内容里的东西感觉不是很专业。翻译的一些东西觉得就是很直译的那种。没有特别专业的感觉
  •   并非不尊重作者,但是深深怀疑作者是让自己的研究生帮忙写作并附上自己名字粗制滥造的一本书。第一点:里面写到道教用的是“Daoism”而非“Taoism”;易经用的是“Yi Jing”而非“the Book of Change”或者“I... 阅读更多
  •   很好。值得看。自己国家的文化还是要了解的。
  •   本书还行,本书值得一看。

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