
出版时间:2003-8  出版社:重庆大学出版社  作者:杨德仁 编  页数:181  字数:300000  


本书由14章和附录组成,内容十分丰富,主要包括IT百年历史、个人计算机、数据库管理系统、计算机网络、系统安全、管理信息系统、企业应用集成、开放资源、企业门户、全息照相技术、电子电路基础、数字通信、CDMA、ATM等,每章都包含两篇精读和一篇泛渎,对专业词汇做了注释,书后附有习题,精读课文备有参考译文,另外在课文后面还有几篇补充阅读材料。  本书可作为高等理工科院校电子信息、通信工程、信号与信息处理学科的本科生教材,也可供研究生以及从事图像研究的科研工作者学习参考。


Unit 01 The Brief History of Information Technology (IT)   01.1 100 Years of IT (part 1)   01.2 100 Years of IT (part 2)   01.3 100 Years of IT (part 3)   Reading Material: IT managementUnit 02 Personal Computer   02.1 Why the PC Will Not Die   02.2 The PC: 20 Years Young   02.3 Happy Birthday, PCUnit 03 On Databases Management System   03.1 Relational Databases   03.2 Data Mining   Reading Material: A Contact Database using MySQL and PHPUnit 04 Computer Network   04.1 TCP/IP   04.2 Virtual private networks   04.3 What is Jini Network Technology?   04.4 Bluetooth   Reading material: NetworkUnit 05 System Security   05.1 Encryption   05.2 Intrusion Detection   Reading Material: A System administrator's Security BasicsUnit 06 Management Information System   06.1 Geographic Information Systems(GIS)   06.2 Knowledge Management   Reading Material: Fundamentals of 'Information Systems'Unit 07 Enterprise Application Integration(EAI)   07.1 EAI Overview   07.2 EJB Technology Backgrounder   Reading Material: Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)Unit 08 Open Source   08.1 The Open Source Definition   08.2 W3C in 7 points   Reading Materials: Become More 'Open' -Minded The Free Software DefinitionUnit 09 Portal   09.1 Portals Unlock the Knowledge that Drives Business Value   09.2 Corporate Portals Open the Door to Better Business   Reading material: The Elements of an Enterprise PortalUnit 10 Holography   10.1 The History of Holography   10.2 physical principles of holography(part 1)   Reading Material: physical principles of holography (part 2)Unit 11 Electronic Basis   11.1 Integration trends in programmable logic   11.2 Resistors   Reading material: What the scout will countUnit 12 Digital Communications   12.1 Digital Communications   12.2 Narrow-band PSK Modes for HF Digital Communications   Reading Material: Novel Robust, Narrow-band PSK Modes for HF Digital CommunicationsUnit 13 CDMA   13.1 The CDMA Revolution   13.2 Multiple Access Wireless Communications   Reading Material: Near-Far ProblemUnit 14 ATM   14.1 ATM Overview   14.2 ATM Networks   Reading Material: ATM Campus StrategyAnswersTranslationReference



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