
出版时间:2004-7  出版社:重庆大学出版社  作者:曾蕾 等 著  页数:233  




IntroductionUnit One Organizing an International Academic ConferenceⅠ. IntroductionⅡ. Preparatory Work before the ConferenceⅢ. Work in the Course of the ConferenceⅣ. Work after the ConferencePracticeSupplementary MaterialsUnit Two Communicating with the Conference OrganizationsⅠ. Channels of Asking for InformationⅡ. Means of CommunicationⅢ. Sample StudyPracticeSupplementary MaterialsUnit Three Writing an Academic Conference PaperⅠ. General Introduction to an Academic Conference PaperⅡ. TopicⅢ. AbstractⅣ. TextⅤ. ReferencesⅥ. Steps in Writing a Conference PaperⅦ. Other Problems in WritingPracticeUnit Four Writing an Academic Conference Speech ScriptⅠ. Characteristics of Spoken LanguageⅡ. Writing an Easy-to-Follow Presentation ScriptⅢ. Sample StudyⅣ. Reading a ScriptPracticeSupplementary MaterialsUnit Five Beginning the Speech TextⅠ. Catching Attention and Amusing CuriosityⅡ. Revealing the Topic of Your Speech or Preparing the Audi~Ⅲ. Establishing Speakers CredibilityⅣ. Language in Opening a SpeechⅤ. Summary—How to Prepare a Good IntroductionPracticeUnit Six Developing the Speech TextⅠ. Choosing Ways to Develop Main PointsⅡ. Choosing Supporting Materials for Each Main PointⅢ. Language ExpressionsPracticeUnit Seven Ending the Speech TextⅠ. Signaling the EndⅡ. Restating the Topic of the SpeechⅢ. Establishing a Creative "Finishing Off"Ⅳ. The Language of EndingsPracticeUnit Eight Asking and Answering QuestionsⅠ. Handling QuestionsⅡ. Raising QuestionsⅢ. Rehearsing Questions and AnswersⅣ. SummaryPracticeUnit Nine Chairing ConferencesⅠ. Chairing an International ConferenceⅡ. Chairing a Plenary Session or a Parallel SessionⅢ. Chairing a Panel DiscussionPracticeSupplementary MaterialsUnit Ten Rehearsing and Perfecting the PresentationⅠ. Types of Speech DeliveryⅡ. Visual AidsⅢ. RehearsingⅣ. SummaryPracticeUnit Eleven Evaluating the Effectiveness of a PresentationⅠ. Evaluating Your Own PresentationⅡ. Commenting on Others’PresentationsPracticeSupplementary MaterialsUnit Twelve Listening and TalkingⅠ. ListeningⅡ. TalkingPracticeSupplementary MaterialsUnit Thirteen Holding an Academic ConferenceSamples of Students’WorkREFERENCESAPPENDIX A Rhetorical PatternsAPPENDIX B Readings of Formulas,Equations,Abbreviations,Signs and SymbolsABOUT THE AUTHORS





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