
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:华南理工大学出版社  作者:任长春 编  页数:215  




课文译文第一单元 汽车总体结构和发动机的基本知识第二单元 曲柄连杆机构和配气机构第三单元 发动机燃油供给系统第四单元 发动机进排气系统第五单元 发动机点火系统和起动系统第六单元 发动机冷却系统和润滑系统第七单元 传动系第八单元 行驶系第九单元 转向系和制动系第十单元 汽车车身和电气设备第十一单元 汽车电控系统第十二单元 新能源汽车第十三单元 著名汽车商标和汽车制造商附录一、英文字母和英语音标二、英语语音三、英语词性(10种)、词尾变化总则、构词法四、基本句型、短语结构五、句子分析参考文献


  The engine is the source of power that makes the wheels go around and the car move. The automobile engine is a machine that turns heat energy of fuel into mechanical energy for moving the vehicle. Because fuel is burned within the engine, it is also called internal combustion engine. The burning of gasoline inside the engine produces high pressure in the engine combustion chamber. This high pressure forces piston to move, the movement is carried by connecting rods to the engine crankshaft. The crankshaft is thus made to rotate, then, the rotary motion is carried through the power train to the car wheels so that they rotate and the car moves.  The engine needs different systems to perform above {unction. An Audi 100 vehicle engine is shown in Figure 1 - 2. They are piston crank mechanism, valve mechanism, fuel system, ignition system, starting system, cooling system and lubricating system in a gasoline engine, yet there is no ignition system in a diesel engine because the diesel is burned by compression-ignition.



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  •   很好的学习汽车英语的书!
  •   很好的书,汽车人应该看看,多学东西~
  •   专业人员看,非专业人员还是别浪费钱了。
  •   本书的纸张和印刷都还可以!书的内容编排上采用英文资料在前面,全部英文结束后才是中文翻译后的形式!
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  •   学校用书,在网上买很实惠~
  •   商品还可以,快递速度也不错。
  •   内容很不错,对于汽车专业的同学很实用。
  •   书不错,还好吧,一般般
  •   还蛮快的

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