
出版时间:2012-3  出版社:华中师范大学出版社  作者:张维友,舒白梅总  页数:223  




Unit 1 University LifeReading 1 You can be President of the United StatesReading 2 Goodbye and Good Luck!Unit 2 Humorin LifeReading 1 Bathing in a Borrowed SuitReading 2 How to Borrow MoneyUnit 3 SociaIProblemsReading 1 A Plan to Make Homelessness HistoryReading 2 Save the Children?Unit 4 Creative ThinkingReading 1 Tracing the Spark of Creative Problem-SolvingReading 2 A Real Science of MindUnit 5 Liberal EducationReading 1 A Liberal EducationReading 2 Education is supposed to make you rich, not wealthyUnit 6 MarriageReading 1 The Story of an HourReading 2 How to Love and to be LovedUnit 7 MentaIHealthReading 1 My Life in TherapyReading 2 When is Depression Guilt?Unit 8 Virtue and MoralityReading 1 The Vice of PunctualityReading 2 Fairy TalesUnit 9 Self-esteemReading 1 The Future Mrs. RochesterReading 2 My Declaration of Self-esteemUnit 10 National PrejudicesReading 1 On National Prej udicesReading 2 A Multicultural Cocktail! Is Australia On the Rocks?Unit 11 Youth and LoveReading 1 The Old WomanReading 2 My Lost YouthUnit 12 Dream and DreamerReading 1 The DreamerReading 2 Confidence to Pursue the DreamUnit 13 Nature and LifeReading 1 The Marginal WorldReading 2 Strange Encounter with a WolfUnit 14 Past MemoriesReading 1 Crossing the ThresholdReading 2 Making a Writer



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