
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:刘红美 华中师范大学出版社 (2009-08出版)  作者:刘红美  页数:241  




1. Propositional Logic  1.1  Propositions and Connectives  1.2  Propositional WFF and Assignment  1.3  Propositional Equivalences  1.4  Disjunctive Normal Form  1.5  Functionally Complete Set of Logical Connectives  1.6  Rules of Inference2. Predicate Logic  2.1  Predicates and Quantifiers  2.2  Well-Formed Formulas in Predicate Logic  2.3  Equivalent Formulas  2.4  Prenex Normal Form  2.5  Inference Rules in Predicate Calculus3. Set Theory  3.1  Sets  3.2  Set Operations  3.3  Inclusion-Exclusion4. Relations  4.1  Cartesian Products and Relations  4.2  Properties of Relations  4.3  Representing Relations  4.4  Closure of Relations  4.5  Equivalence Relations  4.6  Partial Orderings5. Graphs  5.1  Graph Terminology  5.2  Representing Graphs and Graph Isomorphism  5.3  Subgraphs  5.4  Euler and Hamilton Paths  5.5  The Shortest-Path Problem  5.6  Planar Graphs6. Trees  6.1  Basic Concepts  6.2  Roots and Orderings  6.3  Spanning Trees7. Boolean Algebras  7.1  Basic Concepts  7.2  Boolean Functions  7.3  Logic Gates  7.4  Minimization of CircuitsReference





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