
出版时间:2006-8  出版社:华中师范大学出版社  作者:游巧荣主编  页数:158  字数:188000  




Unit One What Is a Hotel ? Text What Is a Hotel? Dialogue 1 Enquiring about the Accommodations and Facilities Dialogue 2 Recommending Another Hotel Dialogue 3 Finding the Right Hotel - Supplementary Reading Classification of Hotels ExercisesUnit Two The Front Office (I) Text The Front Office Dialogue 1 Making a Reservation Dialogue 2 Registering a Guest Dialogue 3 Bringing the Guest to Her Room Supplementary Reading The Bell Service ExercisesUnit Three The Front Office (II) Text The Business Center Dialogue 1 Checking out of the Hotel Dialogue 2 Cashing Cheeks for a Guest Dialogue 3 At the Business Center Supplementary Reading The History of Money ExercisesUnit Four The Housekeeping Department (I) Text The Housekeeping Department Dialogue 1 Showing the Guest to His Room Dialogue 2 Cleaning the Guestroom Dialogue 3 Introducing the Baby-sitting Supplementary Reading Different Kinds of Rooms in a Hotel ExercisesUnit Five The Housekeeping Department (II) Text The Laundry Service Dialogue 1 Getting Information about the Laundry Service Dialogue 2 Laundry Mix-up Dialogue 3 Settling a Laundry Problem Supplementary Reading The Dry Cleaner's ExercisesUnit Six The Food and Beverage Department Text The Food and Beverage Department Dialogue 1 Calling in a Reservation Dialogue 2 Recommending Dishes Dialogue 3 Taking Orders Supplementary Reading The Story of Chopsticks ExercisesUnit Seven The Health and Recreation Center Text The Health and Recreation Center Dialogue 1 At the Fitness Center Dialogue 2 At the Bowling Alley Dialogue 3 At the Recreation Center Supplementary Reading Traditional Chinese Medicine ExercisesUnit Eight The Engineering and Maintenance Department Text The Engineering and Maintenance Department Dialogue 1 Dealing with the Maintenance of the Room Dialogue 2 Dealing with an Elevator Accident……Unit Nine The Security Department and Human Resources Department Unit Ten Handling ComplaintsKeys to Exercises参考文献




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