出版时间:1970-1 出版社:华中师范大学出版社 作者:盛萍 页数:146
Unit 1 English PhonemesExercise 1 Getting familiar with English phonemesExercise 2 English phonemes in wordsExercise 3 HomophonesExercise 4 English phonemes in phrasesExercise 5 RelaxationUnit 2 Sound Recognition Vowels ⅠExercise 1 Distinguishing confusing sounds: /i:/, /i/, /e/ and /аe/Exercise 2 DictationExercise 3 Distinguishing confusing sounds in groups of wordsExercise 4 Identifying a word in the context of a sentenceExercise 5 Distinguishing confusing sounds:/u:/, /u/, /э:/ and /D/Exercise 6 DictationExercise 7 Distinguishing confusing sounds in groups of wordsExercise 8 Identifying confusing sounds in the underlined wordsExercise 9 Distinguishing teens from tensExercise 10 RelaxationUnit 3 Sound Recognition Vowels ⅡExercise 1 Distinguishing confusing sounds:/A/, /a:/, /e/ and /ei/Exercise 2 DictationExercise 3 Distinguishing confusing sounds in pairs of wordsExercise 4 Identifying a word in the context of a sentenceExercise 5 Distinguishing confusing sounds:/ze/, lai/, la:/ and /au/Exercise 6 DictationExercise 7 Identifying a word in the context of a sentenceExercise 8 Identifying confusing sounds in the underlined wordsExercise 9 Identifying ordinal numbersExercise 10 RelaxationUnit 4 Sound Recognition Consonants ⅠExercise 1 Distinguishing confusing sounds:/s/, /θ/, /∫/ and /t∫/Exercise 2 DictationExercise 3 Distinguishing confusing sounds in groups of wordsExercise 4 Identifying a word in the context of a sentenceExercise 5 Distinguishing confusing sounds:/∫/, /v/, /s/ and /z/Exercise 6 DictationExercise 7 Distinguishing confusing sounds in pairs of wordsExercise 8 Identifying a word in the context of a sentenceExercise 9 Years and DatesExercise 10 RelaxationUnit 5 Sound Recognition Consonants ⅡExercise 1 Distinguishing confusing sounds:/v/, /w/, /1/ and /n/Exercise 2 DictationExercise 3 Distinguishing confusing sounds in pairs of wordsExercise 4 Identifying a word in the context of a sentenceExercise 5 Distinguishing confusing sounds:/n/, /η/, /d/ and /σ/Exercise 6 DictationExercise 7 Identifying a word in the context of a sentenceExercise 8 Identifying the words containing:/d/ or /ei/Exercise 9 Telephone NumbersExercise 10 RelaxationQuiz 1Unit 6 Consonant ClustersExercise 1 Initial clusters imitationExercise 2 Hunting initial clustersExercise 3 Medial clusters imitationExercise 4 Final clusters imitationExercise 5 Hunting final clusters……Unit 7 Strong and Weak FormsUnit 8 Incomplete PlosionUnit 9 Assimilation and ElisionUnit 10 LiaisonQuiz 2Unit 11 Sense Groups and PausingUnit 12 Word Stress and Sentence StressUnit 13 Stress ShiftsUnit 14 RhythmUnit 15 Intonation ⅠUnit 16 Intonation ⅡQuiz 3Tapescripts and Keys