
出版时间:2007-7  出版社:重庆西南师范大学  作者:贺梦依  页数:211  字数:300000  




Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two Learner Factors Affecting-Learning Outcomes 2.1 Age 2.2 Intelligence and Aptitude 2.3 Attitude and Motivation 2.4 Cognitive Styles 2.5 Personality 2.6 Learning Strategies SummaryChapter Three Learning Strategies 3.1 Definition of Learning Strategies 3.2 Types of Learning Strategies 3.3 How Learning Strategies Exert Their Influence on Learning Process SummaryChapter Four Theories of Listening Comprehension 4.1 The Definition of Listening Comprehension 4.2 The Features of Listening Comprehension 4.3 The Process of Listening Comprehension 4.4 The Classification of Listening Comprehension 4.5 Listening Materials SummaryChapter Five Listening Problems Confronting Learners 5.1 Some Factors and the Related Strategies in Theory  5.2 The Reported Problems Confronting Listeners in Practice SummaryChapter Six Literature Review and Research Methods 6.1 Research Review 6.2 Method and Objectives 6.3 Subjects 6.4 Instruments 6.5 Data Collection and Analysis Process  SummaryChapter Seven Data Analysis and Discussion 7.1 Students'Attitude towards English Learning and Listening Strategies 7.2 Overall Strategy Use by Students 7.3 Strategy Use by University Major 7.4 Strategy Use by Gender 7.6 Listening Strategies Instruction by Teachers 7.7 Comparison between Students and Teachers in Listening Strategy Use and Instruction SummaryChapter Eight The Effect of Ustening Strategy Instruction on Listening Comprehension 8.1 Significance of the Study 8.2 Research Methodology 8.3 Results 8.4 Discussion SummaryChapter Nine Conclusions 9.1 Conclusions 9.2 Implications 9.3 LimitationsBibliographyAppendix




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  •   因为写有关如何提高中国英语学习者听力能力的论文,才购买了此书。内容为全英文,适合英语教育专业人士使用。对于大四论文参考来用存在一定深度,还要结合听力教学一起参考。书中涉及影响听力能力的十多个因素和作者为理论验证做的问卷调查,包括问题和结果统计。但本人觉得数字结果只能作为结果参考,不可作为例证,存在区域性和片面性。

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