
出版时间:2003-7  出版社:政法大学  作者:莫尔  页数:137  


First published(in Latin)in 1516,Thomas More's Utopia is one of the most influenial books in the Wetem philosophical and literary tradition and one of the supreme achievements of Renaissance humanism.More coined the word ‘utopia’(from the Greek:‘no place’),and his complexly ironic account of an imaginary communist society not only has given rise to the genre of utopian fiction but has been an inspiration to generations of political reformers.After nearly five centuries Utopia continues to provoke intense interest and lively debate among students and scholars.For publication in the Cambridge Texts series the editors have inchuded all the ancillary materials that were inchuded,at More's behest,in the early editions (encompassing letters and poems on Utopia by More and several of his humanist associates).The text of Utopia itself is a new version of the highly regarded translation by Robert M.Adams,and the introductory materials and annotations incorporate much important recent scholarship.This edition also inchudes a brief bibliography and chrronology,intended to assist the student encountering this celebrated text for the first time.




AcknowledgementsNotes on the textIntroductionNote on the translationChronologySuggestions for further readingUtopia  Thomas More to Peter Giles  Book Ⅰ  Book Ⅱ  Ancillary materials from the early editionsIndex




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用户评论 (总计9条)


  •   经典之作,虽然年代久远,但是读读这本书会让你对如今的社会有更深刻的认识!英文版,地道的英文很好的一本书。Utopia回让你对这个社会看的更加尖锐!
  •   大学里看过这本书,挺不错的,现在想要继续阅读。
  •   挺好的一本英文书,需要耐心去读
  •   装订质量有待提高
  •   剑桥大学教授在开头部分写的序言将文章背景介绍得很详细,文章内容概括得也精炼,此外翻译也比较尊重原著.以这样的价格买这样一本好书挺值的!
  •   挺值。。就是英文字实在有点小
  •   理想国的描述,内有小型说明。可以提高英语阅读能力!
  •   市面不多的影印本,质量很好,也没什么破损。五星好评!
  •   影印本,翻开看的时候太激动了,就要看这种无限接近原著的。

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