
出版时间:2003-5  出版社:中国政法大学出版社  作者:马尔萨斯  页数:392  


This volume makes available to a student audience one of the most controversial and miunderstood works published during the last two hundred years.Malthus`s Essay an Principle of Population began life in 1798 as a polite attock on some post-French-revolutionary speculations on the theme of social and human hopes set by the tension between population growth and natural resources.This edition is based on the authoritative variorum of the mature versions of the Essay published over the period 1803 to 1826.this was the period during which Malthus collected further demographic evidence and developed a distinctive stance as a political moralist on a number of important policy questions that were central to public debate during and immediatedy after the Napoleonic wars-the period in which Britain the adequacy of its political institutions and economic policies in the face of rapid population growth,political and industrialization.    The introduction and notes are aimed specifically at a modern student audience interested in how Malthusianism impinges on the history of political thought.


IntroductionAcknowledgements and notes on the textPrincipal events in the life of Robert MalthusBiographical notesGuide to further readingAn Essay on the Principle of PopulationIndex




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