
出版时间:2003-5  出版社:中国政法大学出版社  作者:库萨的尼古拉  页数:326  


在政治理论领域,“剑桥政治思想史原著系列”作为主要的学生教科丛书,如今已牢固确立了其地位、本丛书旨在使学生能够获得;从古希腊到20世纪初期西方政治思想更方面所有最为重要的原著,它囊括7所有著名的经典原著,但与此同时,它又扩展了传统的评价尺度,以便能够纳入范围广泛.不那么出名的作品而在此之前.这些作品中有许多从未有过现代英文版本可资利用:只要可能,所选原著都会以完整而不删节的形式出版,其中的译作则是专门力本丛书的目的而安排。每一本书都有一个评论性的导言,加上历史年表、生手梗概.进一步阅读指南, 以及必要的词二表和原文注解:本丛书的最终目的是,力西方政治思想的整个发展脉络提供一个清晰的轮廓。    本丛书己出版著作的书目.请查问书未。


Translator s prefaceIntroductionSourcesSelect bibliographyChronologyThe Catholic ConcordanceBook1BookIIBookIIIIndex


  We read of King Charlemagne [that he spoke] as follows:"I Charlemagne, leader and prince of the Franks on the 22nd of April of the year of our Lord 752 with the counsel of the servants of God and my nobles, have convened the bishops and priests of my kingdom, including Boniface, Archbishop of Mainz and Burchard ofWorms in council and synod to advise me as to how the law of God and the ecclesiastical religion may be restored. With the advice of my priests and nobles we have ordained bishops in the cities and have established Boniface,the legate of St. Peter, over them." And below,"We have commanded that a synod be convened every year in order that the decrees of the canons and the rights of the church may be restored to us present and the Christian religion may be purified, and we have now returned the money to the churches which was their endowment and cut off church funds from, and degraded and punished false priests, as well as deacons and clerics who are adulterers and fornicators." And below, "Following the canons of the saints we have decreed that every priest must be subject to the bishop in whose diocese he lives and every Lent he must give an accounting for his ministry regarding baptisms and the [preaching of the] Catholic faith and prayers and the order of masses. When the bishop goes about his diocese administering Confirmation to the people, the priest should always be prepared to receive the bishop with the assistance and aid ofthe people who are to be confirmed. In conformity with the canonical decree we have commanded that bishops and priests from wherever they come are not to be admitted to the ecclesiastical ministry without the approval of the synod. Likewise we have decreed that any of the servants or handmaids of Christ who has fallen into the crime of fornication shall do penance in prison on bread and water. And if he is a priest, let him stay two years in prison and let him be beaten and racked beforehand.  ……




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