
出版时间:2003-5  出版社:中国政法大学出版社  作者:奥古斯丁  页数:299  


  This collection brings together thirty - five letters and sermons of Augustine,bishops of Hippo from AD 396 to 430,that deal with political matters .The letters and sermons areboth practical and principled and treat many essential themes in Augustine’s thought, including the responsibilities of citizenship,the relationship between the church and secular authority, reporsibilities of citizenship,the relationship between the church and secular authority,religious coercion, and war and peace.These texts complement Augustine’s classic the City Of God against the Pagans ,and give students direct insight into the political and social world of late antiquity with which Augustine was immediately involved.The slave trade,tax collection,clerical harassment and murder are amongst the topics with he deals,The volume contains clear,accurate,modern translations,together with a concise introduction and informative notes designed to aid the student encountering Augustine’s life and thought for the first time.




Editors’note Introduction  Translator’notes   Principal dates   Bibliography  Map of Augustine’s north Africa  CHRISTIANITY AND CITIZENSHIP    Letter 90:Nectarius to Augustine(408)    Letter 91:Augustine to Nectarius(408/409)    Letter 103:Nectarius to Augustine(409)    Letter 104:Augustine to Nectarius(409)     Letter 95:Augustine to Paulinus of Nola and Therasia(408)    Letter 136:Marcellinus to Augustine     Letter 138:Augustine to Marcellinus    Letter 10:Augustine to Alypius(428)     Letter 250:Augustine to Auxilius(412 or 427-30)  Letter 1:augustine to classicianus(412 or427-30)  Sermon 335c:On the feast of a martyr  BISHOPS AND CIVIL AUTHORITIES     Letter 133:Augustine to marcellinus(411)    Letter 134:Augustine to Apringius(411)  Letter 139:augustine to marcellinus(413/412)  Letter 152:macedonius to Augustine(413/414)  Letter 153:augustine to macedonius(413/414)  Letter 154:macedonius to Augustine(413/414)  Letter 155:augustie to macedonius (413/414)JUDICIAL AUTHORITY    Commentary on the gospel of John,33(419/421)    Sermon 302:On the feast of St Laurence     Sermon 13:On the words of Psalm2.10  THE DONATIST CONTROVERSY    Letter 51:Augustine to Crispin(400)    Letter 66:Augustine to Caecilian(410)    Letter 100:Augustine to Donatus(408)     Letter 87:Augustine to Emeritus(405/411)     Letter 88:Clergy of Hippw Regius to Januarius(406/408)     Letter 173:Augustine to Donatus(411/414)     Letter 204:Augustine to Dulcitius(419)     Letter 105:Augustine to Boniface(c.417)  WAR AND PEACE    Sermon:The sacking of the city of Rome(410/411)    Letter 189:Augustine to Boniface(417)     Letter 220:Augustine to Darius(429/430)    Biographical notes   Notes to the text   Index of persons and places   Index of topics




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