论共和国 论法律

出版时间:2003-5  出版社:中国政法大学出版社  作者:西塞罗  


Cicero`s On the Commonwealth and On the Laws were his first and most substantial attempts to adapt Greed theories of political life to the circumstances of the Roman Republic .They represent Cicero`s vision of an ideal society and remain his most important works of political philosophy. On the Commonwealth survives only in part ,and On the Laws was never completed .the present volume offers a new scholarly reconstruction of the fragments of On the Commomvealth and a masterly translation of both dialogues. The texts are supported by a helpful, concise introduction ,notes ,synopsis,biographical notes and bibliography;students in politics ,philosophy ,ancient history,law and classics will gain new understanding of one of the great phliosophers and political thinkers of antiquity thanks to this volume.


Editor`s note IntroductionChronology BibiographyText and translationSynopsisOn the Commonwealth  BOOK1  BOOK2  BOOK3   BOOK4   BOOK5   BOOK6 Unplaced fragmentsOn the Laws   BOOK1  BOOK2  BOOK3FragmentsBiographical notesIndex of fragmentsGeneral index




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用户评论 (总计14条)


  •   很好。希望以后能多读一些这类有趣的读物、
  •   还没看买了很多这一系列的书
  •   价格便宜 全英文 还有拉丁文 需要下功夫
  •   国家乃人民的事业,经典
  •   “论共和国论法律(影印本)”
  •   可能是影印本的关系,好像都有点歪了
  •   还没有读,但是没的说是经典
  •   多读一点外文总是好的,可惜看不懂希腊文啊
  •   剑桥政治思想史经典文本,价格又好,怎能不去拥有?
  •   读过再品味,就是经典!
  •   本书是英文原著 看不懂 就又退回了
  •   晕!封面是中文内容怎么是英文的!!!
  •   没看清楚,居然是英文版的。虽然是影印本,但是挺清楚的。
  •   如题。尤其是里面《理想国》的英译,可惜已经买不到了。

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