
出版时间:2013-1  出版社:北京语言大学出版社  


作者:认识中国编写组 译者:(美)丹尼尔


1 Warming up 2 Do You know them? 3 A trip to China 4 China's World Heritage 5 Index


版权页:   插图:    After descending Mount Tai and heading north, we arrive at the Yellow River. Its waters in Shandong Province are already gentle and calm, but in its upper reaches at Hukou, you can see a completely different face of this river. Hukou, which means "spout," is shaped as its name would imply-wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. Here the Yellow River is compressed from 300 meters wide to 50 meters. As the water increases in amount,it surges down, splashing and foaming with a violent noise. There is a Chinese song called the Yellow River Cantata, whose lyrics describe the Yellow River as follows: "The wind howls, the horses whinny, the Yellow River roars." If you're brave enough, you can try standing on the rocks closest to thewater and listen to the roaring:of the river.





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