尔雅中文 高级商务汉语会话教程 上

出版时间:2012-12  出版社:北京语言大学出版社  作者:刘丽瑛  


第1单元双向选择 第2单元展卖大餐 第3单元知己知彼 第4单元三思而后行 第5单元无声的推销员 第6单元防患于未然 词语总表 熟语总表


版权页:   插图:   2.在国际市场商品价格有哪几种呢? How many types of prices are applied in international markets?And what are they? 答:主要有五种:一是成交价格。该价格除了反映一般行情变化外,有时还反映某些特别条件。如价格的高低、成交额多少、商品品质的好坏、支付条件以及买卖双方的业务关系等。通常,成交价格与成交额的大小、业务关系的长短成反比,与商品品质成正比。二是交易所价格。交易所是一种有组织的市场,许多大宗初级产品都是通过这种特殊的渠道进行的。交易所进行的交易分两种:实物交易和期货交易。交易所价格主要是由供求的自发波动决定的,其成交价格常被称为世界价格,是许多国家签订合同确定价格的主要依据。交易所的现货和期货价格对于分析和预测大宗初级产品的市场价格具有重要作用。三是拍卖价格。它是一种现货成交价,不附带任何其他条件,能反映某些商品市场行情的变化和水平。四是开标价格。某一国家或大企业为购进大批物资,有时以公布方式向世界承销商招标,通过招标而成交。成交的价格往往低于一般成交价格。五是参考价格。是指经常在各种期刊和批发价格表上公布的价格,只能起参考作用,实际成交价格等于参考价格减去折扣或加上涨价的部分。 There are 5 major types:A.Transaction Price.It can reflect normal market fluctuations,and some other special conditions such as market price,business volumes,goods quality,payment terms,and business relations between buyers and sellers.Transaction Price is usually inversely proportional to business volumes and relations,and directly proportional to goods quality.B.Exchange Price.An exchange is an organized market through which many primary bulk commodities are transacted.Transactions in an exchange can be categorized into actuals and futures:Exchange price is principally determined by spontaneous fluctuations in supply and demand.Its closing price is often called as world price,which makes it,for many countaies,one of the major factors that decide prices in contract-making.Thus,it (exchange price of both actuals and futures) is of great importance in analyzing and predicting the price of primary bulk commodities.C.Auction Price.Since it's a kind of spot price without any other additional conditions,it is more liable to reflect the goods' current market and its fluctuations.D.Tenders Price.Sometimes when a nation Or a big enterprise intends to purchase large quantities of goods,it can reach the deal by inviting a public bidding to underwriters around the world,which more often makes tenders price lower than the average transaction price.E.Indication Price.





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