
出版时间:2012-8  出版社:北京语言大学出版社  作者:陈琦 改编,孟宪龙 绘  页数:17  字数:9000  


  Journey to the West is a famous classical Chinese novel
written more than 400years ago by Wu Cheng'en.The novel is based on
the true story of a Chinese monk Xuan zang, who travelled to India
on foot to seek Buddhist scriptures. In this novel, the monk's name
was Monk Tang, who experienced 81 challenges during his journey.
However, Monk Tang was able to overcome the difficulties with help
from his disciples - the Monkey King, Pigsy and Sandy. According to
the legend, the Monkey King learned Kung Fu and magic from a Taoist
master. Smart and powerful, the Monkey King was always ready to
fight with demons and even the gods on occasion.


  The Chinese Library Series is a collection of graded readers for students studyingChinese as a foreign language. There are 6 levels available in this series, graded according to the vocabulary used. Each reader is accompanied by exercises. A Chinese-English word list makes it easy for students to work independently. A free CD-ROM included narrates the text with subtitles.



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