
出版时间:2012-8  出版社:王路江 北京语言大学出版社 (2012-08出版)  作者:王路江 编  页数:130  




韩非子的哲学思想 中国园林及其文化影响 中国传统的家庭观念 《孙子兵法》:中国人的生活艺术 《三字经》中的中国文化 中国刺绣文化 中国的君子文化 中国神话中的创世故事 道家思想对传统中医的影响


版权页:   插图:    Passage 2 These are the ten faults:1.To practice petty loyalty and thereby betraya larger loyalty.2.To fix your eyes on a petty gain and thereby lose a largerone.3.To behave in a bad and willful manner and show no courtesy to theother feudal lords,thereby bringing about your own downfall.4.To give no earto government affairs but long only for the sound of music,thereby plungingyourself into distress.5.To be greedy,perverse,and too fond of profit,therebyopening the way to the destruction of the state and your own demise.6 Tobecome infatuated with women musicians and disregard state affairs,therebyinviting the disaster of national destruction.7.To leave the palace for distanttravels,despising the remonstrance of your ministers,which leads to grave perilfor yourself.8.To fail to heed your loyal ministers when you are at fault,insistingupon having your own way,which will in time destroy your good reputation andin the Western Han Dynasty,once inscribed the characters on bamboo slices to read.Last but not least,there are two men who read while doing chores.One is Zhu Maichen,an official in the Western Han Dynasty,who read the book hung on the endof his carrying pole.The other is Li Mi,an official in the Sui Dynasty(581-618),who in his childhood read the book hung on the horn of an ox while herdingcattle for the rich. Apart from the diligent,there are also examples of late starters.Su Laoquan,also,1009-1066),one of the "Eight Prose Masters of the Tang and SongDynasties,"did not put real efforts into study until he was twenty-seven years old.Liang Hao(963-1004),in the Northern Song Dynasty(960-1127),took thehighest imperial civil service exam at the age of eighty-two,came out first and wasconferred the title "Number One Scholar."These two encouraging examples show thatit is never too late to learn.





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