
出版时间:2011-3  出版社:北京语言大学  作者:余仁唐  页数:256  


   《新东方:GRE考试官方指南词汇必备》是ETS为改革后的GRE考试编写的唯一一本官方指南,其中不仅详述了改革后的GRE考试的命题思路和各题型的特点,而且提供了大量高仿真模拟题。认真学习并透彻理解OG里的内容,是备考GRE的起点。   《新东方:GRE考试官方指南词汇必备》收录了OG中出现的重点难点词汇,不仅可以作为学习OG的辅助资料,也可以作为备考GRE的词汇用书。


Chapter 2 GRE Analytical WritingP13-24 Analyze an Issue TaskP25-36 Analyze an Argument TaskP37-40 GRE Scoring GuideP41-42 Score Level DescriptionsChapter 3 GRE Verbal ReasoningP47-52 Sample Question SetChapter 4 GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice QuestionsP54-55 SET 1. Discrete Questions: EasyP56-59 SET 2. Reading Comprehension Questions: EasyP60-62 SET 3. Discrete Questions: MediumP63-67 SET 4. Reading Comprehension Questions: MediumP68-70 SET 5. Discrete Questions: HardP71-74 SET 6. Reading Comprehension Questions: HardP75-76 Answer KeysP77-106 Answers and ExplanationsChapter 5 GRE Quantitative ReasoningP108-128 Quantitative Reasoning Question Types and Sample QuestionsP129-132 Using the CalculatorP133-142 Mathematics Conventions for the Quantitative ReasoningMeasure of the GRE revised General TestChapter 6 GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice QuestionsP145-149 SET 1. Discrete Questions: EasyP150-154 SET 2. Discrete Questions: MediumP155-160 SET 3. Discrete Questions: HardP161-163 SET 4. Data Interpretation SetsP164-205 Answers and ExplanationsChapter 7 GRE Math ReviewP207-221 ArithmeticP222-247 AlgebraP248-262 GeometryP263-301 Data AnalysisChapter 8 Authentic GRE Practice TestP303-305 Section 1: Analytical WritingP306-307 Section 2: Analytical WritingP309-317 Section 3: Verbal ReasoningP318-328 Section 4: Verbal ReasoningP329-336 Section 5: Quantitative ReasoningP337-344 Section 6: Quantitative ReasoningP347-354 Answer Key, Score Conversion Table, Percentile RanksP355-368 Analytical Writing Sample Responses and ReaderCommentariesP369-432 Answers and Explanations附录附录一: GRE 3500 Master Words附录二:常见熟词僻意表


   选词科学,根据语境精准释义   重点单词,循环出现加深记忆   一书多用,全面攻克GRE词汇    《新东方:GRE考试官方指南词汇必备》特色   ·根据广大考生的英语水平,甄选会对考生阅读、理解OG造成障碍的词汇,提供OG中的释义及重要例句,帮助考生更好地理解OG。   ·以词汇在OG中出现的页码及先后顺序编排,方便查找,帮助考生高效地学习OG。   ·结合GRE考试内容,补充常考释义及搭配,归纳大量派生词和同,反义词,帮助考生举一反三记单词。   ·对OG中多次出现的核心词汇均予以保留,并针对具体的语境进行释义,既能帮助考生准确理解OG,又能达到全面掌握和反复记忆词汇的效果。   ·本书附赠MP3录音光盘一张,由专业人员对英文主词及其在OG中的中文释义(或常考释义)进行朗读,背单词练听力,一举两得。




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