出版时间:2010-12 出版社:北京语言大学出版社 作者:新东方雅思国际学习中心 编 页数:147
仿真阅读。《新东方·剑七物语·阅读拓展》所选文章均来自雅思真题题源,在体裁、题材、篇幅、难度、句式等方面均经过先进的语料库技术的筛选与分析。斑斓阅读。《新东方·剑七物语·阅读拓展》所选文章题材多样,涉及科技、环境、心理、医学、生物、生活、自然、经济等方面;文体丰富,包括议论性、评论性、报道性和分析论证性文章,符合真题的要求。 轻松阅读。《新东方·剑七物语·阅读拓展》共收文20篇,每篇文章均配有详尽的注释,并且介绍了其中涉及的文化背景知道;译文通达,考生可借此加深对原文的理解。当你以放松的心态来备考雅思时,你的收获将会在考试之上。
"Memory", wrote Oscar Wilde, "is the diary that we all carry about with us". Perhaps, but if memory is like a diary, its one filled with torn-out pages and fabricated passages. In January, a group, of New York University neuroscientists led by Daniela Schiller reported in the journal Nature that they had created fearful memories in people and then erased them. Besides being rather cool, the result provides new insight into how to treat traumatic memories in people. The research was based on the work of neuroscientist Joseph LeDoux, a coauthor on the paper. Ten years ago, while experimenting with rats, Ledoux made a discovery that changed the way neuroscientists view memory from that of Wildes tidy diary to something more along the lines of a James Frey memoir. In that experiment, Ledoux conditioned rats to fear a bell by ringing it in time with an electric shock until the rats froze in fear at the mere sound of the bell. Then, at the moment when the fear memory was being recalled, he injected the rats with anisomycin, a drug that stops the construction of new neural connections. Remarkably, the next time he rang the bell the rats no longer froze in fear. The memory, it seemed, had vanished. Poofi Ledoux concluded that the neural connections in which memories are stored have to be rebuilt each time a memory is recalled. And during rebuilding——or reconsolidation, as he termed it——memories can be altered or even erased. Neuroscientists now believe that reconsolidation functions to update memories with new information——something of an unsettling idea, suggesting that our memories are only as accurate as the last time they were remembered. Since the discovery, scientists have been searching for ways to use similar methods to alter the fear memories that cause post- traumatic stress disorder( PTSD ). This, however, has proven difficult. Test subjects participating in research experiments are, of course, not lab rats, and scientists cant simply inject them with drugs as they please. But in her new paper, Schiller and her team may have discovered a noninvasive method to bring Ledouxs memory-erasing experiment to humans. Psychologists have known for some time that it is difficult to treat fearful memories with therapy. Humans, like rats, can be trained in a laboratory to fear an innocuous stimulus——a sound or a color——by pairing it with a shock. But even after a form of laboratory therapy known as extinction training, where the stimulus is repeatedly presented without a shock to extinguish the fear, most subjects still show a rebound in the fear response a few hours later. Similarly, PTSD patients often show symptoms after years of therapy.
我希望并相信新东方雅思国际学习中心能够为中国乃至世界雅思培训行业树立标杆,并成为雅思培训行业标准的缔造者。 ——俞敏洪(新东方教育科技集团董事长兼首席执行官) 新东方雅思国际学习中心正在引领中国雅思教育的发展方向,并保持专业、权威、国际化的形象。 ——周成刚(新东方教育科技董事、高级副总裁) 在过去的十年中,有太多的学生朋友通过在新东方雅思课堂的学习实现了他们人生一个大的跨越,顺利驶向梦想的彼岸。 ——(新东方教育科技集团执行总裁) 培训人员人数最多、高分学员人数最多、市场占自率第一……新东方雅思培训在过左十年创造了太多辉煌,全新亮相的“雅思国际学习中心”势必带给大家更多惊喜! ——耿耿(新东方教育科技集团英联邦项目高级经理) “我无数次庆幸自己成为了新东方雅思班的一名学生,它不仅带给了我学习上的巨大进步,还给了我面对挫折与困难的勇气。我从未想到自己还有这样大的潜力可以发掘,是新东方为我找到了一条重新认识自己的捷径。在这条崎岖的道路上虽有泪水,但更多的却是欢笑与信赖。相信新东方,相信自己!” ——谭晓 “号角给士兵带来勇气,灯塔给航船指引方向,曙光赐勇者以希望!感谢新东方雅思班的老师们,在短暂而美好的学习中,给我勇气、方向与希望!” ——薛松 “在新东方雅思班的学习已告一段落。但老师和同学们的笑容还浮现在我的脑海之中。积极主动的课堂气氛,诙谐有趣的互动问答,以及老师的一流水平使我印象深刻。我在新东方学到的不仅是知识,更是那种绝望中寻找希望的精神,它将指引我不断前进,最终走向生命的辉煌!” ——王瑛菲
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