雅思通关特训 阅读

出版时间:2010-6  出版社:北京语言大学  作者:吴蓓  页数:145  


  雅思考试学术类(Academic)和培训类(General Training)的阅读部分都是“三大段”文章配上加个问题。  文章总词数3,000左右,内容涉及广泛。General Training类阅读文章侧重社会、语言和工作等话题,Aeademic类阅读文章会加入学业和学术类的话题。  除了广泛的内容,雅思阅读考试多变的题型也让不少考生感到紧张。  不过,各种类型的阅读考试不论题型千变万化,出题的角度只有两个:细节和主旨。这样就有了笼统的阅读考题的分类:  细节题:从词、句或词句相互关联的角度出的题叫细节题。完成这类试题要求考生具有相关的词汇和句法知识,或从上下文推断语义的能力;  主旨题:即从段落大意、中心思想的角度出的题。完成这类试题要求考生具有一定的词汇、句法知识,在此基础上还要有语篇知识和逻辑推理能力。






Unit 1 搭配题Unit 2 是非题Unit 3 选择题Unit 4 摘要填空题Unit 5 完成句子题Unit 6 标题对应题Unit 7 图表题Unit 8 简答题阅读模拟测试一阅读模拟测试二答案雅思阅读测试答题卡


  How do I look with this dress?Does this pant make me look fat?Most of US are always asking similar questions to ourselves and to people around US.But are there really some clothes that can make US 100k fatter or skinnier?The experts tend to believe so——me way you dress can help you.There are many opinions about this.What makes you look fat and what Can take 10 pounds and a few inches off your waist?Among the many recommendations that the expels keep repeating on TV programs and books,we believe that the following work the best:Positive focus.If you are overweight,first of all,do not feel bad about your body.This does not mean that you get a license to eat unhealthy and not work out but your weight and your perception about yourself should not be related.You have to focus on the positive aspects of you:your smile,your eyes,your waist,your legs,etc.Accentuate the positive and disguise the negative.Do not use clothes that do not fit.Many women think that if the clothes are tight or loose they will look thinner.This is not true;they will only look fatter,instead.Your clothes have to fit your body;neither oversized nor undersized does the trick.Not too tight.On the negative’side,tight clothes only make US look like a sausage-so stuffed that some of the fat comes out and calls attention.That is precisely what we do not want:attention in the wrong places.Not too loose clothes.Oversized clothes may hide the imperfections but it does not do justiceto your positive points and you will look not only bigger,but also without any shape.You are highlighting the very things you want to hide.Forget big T-sllirts and blouses without anyfitting.






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