出版时间:1970-1 出版社:北京语言大学出版社 作者:索罗扎诺 页数:234
Welcome to NorthStar Building Skills for the TOEFL® iBTPart One: NorthStar Practice Units for the TOEFL® iBT Unit 1 Media Unit 2 Overcoming Obstacles Unit 3 Medicine Unit 4 Natural Disasters Unit 5 Conservation Unit 6 Philanthropy Unit 7 Education Unit 8 Food Unit 9 Immigration Unit 10 Technology Evaluation Forms for Integrated and Independent Tasks Audioscript Answer Key Part Two: ETS Practice Sets for the TOEFL® iBT Listening Reading Writing Speaking Audioscript Answer Key TOEFL® iBT Writing and Speaking Rubrics
Barbara Cassin: Hi. Im Barbara Cassin, and Im with David Winston, a Cherokee medicine priest. David, thank you for agreeing to talk to us today. David Winston: Oh, youre very welcome. BC: Could you tell us a little bit about the Cherokee beliefs regarding the environment and conservation? DW: Yes, Id be happy to. Basically, Cherokee tradition tells us that we are part of nature and we depend on nature for our life, so we dont compete with it and were not trying to tame it. Were trying to live with it. We are as important as everything else, but certainly no more important than anything else. BC: Could you tell us a little more about that? DW: We believe that there are three great Laws of Nature, and those are the laws that tell us how we have to live in relationship to everything else. The First Law of Nature is that you dont take any life without a real reason. And a real reason would be for food, for medicine, for protecti n——those would be the reasons for taking life. But basically, life is sacred. BC: So you shouldnt kill needlessly. Would that include plants?
“托福考试技能培训教程”系列丛书采用托福考试出题方ETS(美国教育考试服务中心)提供的全真测试材料,参照托福考试题型编写而成,涵盖托福考试的听、说、读、写4个部分。书中采取了革新性的技能培训方法,将英语学习和考试技能培训有效地结合起来,在帮助考生全面提高英语水平的同时,也有助于加强考生的思辨能力和交际能力。本丛书根据托福试题选材的难度分为中级、中高级、高级3个级别,便于考生逐级提高,为取得托福高分打下坚实的基础。 《朗文托福考试技能培训教程:中高级》优势及卖点: ETS精心打造全真托福考题,让考生如同亲临考场 10个单元包含托福常考主题,方便考生熟悉相关题型 综合技能训练激发考生批判性思维,增强英语交际能力 选文趣味性强,主题多样化,帮助考生熟悉各种场景与文体,拓宽知识面 题型设计科学合理,循序渐进,并提供完善的题型分析,真正提高考生应试技能。