
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:北京语言大学出版社  作者:博蒙特  页数:236  




Welcome to NorthStar Building Skills for the TOEFL® iBT Part One: NorthStar Practice Units for the TOEFL® iBT Unit 1 Advertising   Unit 2 Extreme Sports   Unit 3 Fraud    Unit 4 Storytelling   Unit 5 Language   Unit 6 Tourism   Unit 7 Humor   Unit 8 Fashion   Unit 9 Punishment   Unit 10 Marriage   Evaluation Forms for Integrated and Independent Tasks   Audioscript   Answer Key  Part Two: ETS Practice Sets for the TOEFL® iBT Listening   Reading   Writing   Speaking   Audioscript   Answer Key   TOEFL® iBT Writing and Speaking Rubrics


  Many people dont realize how unsafe it is to use unproven treatments. First of all, the treatments usually dont work. They may be harmless, but if someone uses these products instead of proven treatments, he or she may be harmed. Why? Because during the time the person is using the product, his or her illness may be getting worse. This can even cause the person to die.  So why do people trust quacks? People want the "miracle cure." They want the product that will solve their problem.., quickly, easily, and completely. A patient may be so afraid of pain, or even of dying, that he or she will try anything. The quack knows this and offers an easy solution at a very high price.  Quacks usually sell products and treatments for illnesses that generally have no proven cure. This is why we often hear about clinics that treat cancer or AIDS. Treatments for arthritis are also popular with quacks. Other common quackeries are treatments to lose weight quickly, to make hair grow again, and to keep a person young.  How can you recognize a quack? Sometimes its easy because he or she offers something we know is impossible. A drink to keep you young is an example of this. But many times, these people lie, saying that their product was made because of a recent scientific discovery. This makes it more difficult to know if the product is real or a fraud. Another way to recognize quackery is that many quacks will say their product is good for many different illnesses, not just for one thing. They usually like to offer money-back guarantees if their treatment doesnt work. Unfortunately, the guarantee is often also a lie. Finally, the fraudulent clinic will often be in another country. Laws in the United States make it illegal for a quack to have a clinic in the United States because the quack doesnt have the proper medical training.


  “托福考试技能培训教程”系列丛书采用托福考试出题方ETS(美国教育考试服务中心)提供的全真测试材料,参照托福考试题型编写而成,涵盖托福考试的听、说、读、写4个部分。书中采取了革新性的技能培训方法,将英语学习和考试技能培训有效地结合起来,在帮助考生全面提高英语水平的同时,也有助于加强考生的思辨能力和交际能力。本丛书根据托福试题选材的难度分为中级、中高级、高级3个级别,便于考生逐级提高,为取得托福高分打下坚实的基础。  《朗文托福考试技能培训教程:中级》优势及卖点:  ETS精心打造全真托福考题,让考生如同亲临考场  10个单元包含托福常考主题,方便考生熟悉相关题型  综合技能训练激发考生批判性思维,增强英语交际能力  选文趣味性强,主题多样化,帮助考生熟悉各种场景与文体,拓宽知识面  题型设计科学合理,循序渐进,并提供完善的题型分析,真正提高考生应试技能



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