
出版时间:2008-4  出版社:北京语言大学出版社  作者:刘 主编  页数:157  


NPCR is a new serieS of textbooks designed for native IEnglish speakers to learn Chinese.It consists of seventy lessons in six volumes for three years of in.struction。BasiC sentence patterns and functionaI items are jntraduced in}the first three volumes with thirty—eight lessons.Book Four leads to the{ntermediate Ievel of the Iast two volumes.NPCR has been compiled under the guidance 0f the new Hanban Syllabus and lnI consultation with the HSK Guideline.The ablective of this series is to develop the student’S ability to communicate using Chinese throug h the study of language structure,language function,and related cultural knowledge along with the training of listening,speaking,reading and writing skills.


第二十七課 Lesson 27 入鄉隨俗第二十八課 Lesson 28 禮輕情意重第二十九課 Lesson 29 請多提意見第三十課 Lesson 30 他們是練太極劍的 第三十一課 Lesson 31 中國人叫她“母親河”第三十二課 Lesson 32 这樣的問題現在也不能問了(復習Review)第三十三課 Lesson 33 保護環境就是保護我們自己 第三十四課 Lesson 34 神女峰的傳說第三十五課 Lesson 35 汽車我先開着第三十六課 Lesson 36 北京熱起來了第三十七課 Lesson 37 誰來埋翠第三十八課 Lesson 38 你聽,他叫我“太太”(復習Review)



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