
出版时间:2007-3  出版社:语言大  作者:刘珣 编  页数:252  


  NPCR is a new series of textbooks designed for native English speakers to learn Chinese.It consists of seventy lessons in six volumes for three years of instruction.Basic sentence Patterns and functional items are introduced in the first thFee volumes with thirty-eight lessons.Book Four leads t0 the intermediate level of the last two Volumes,NPCR has been compiled under the guidance of the new NOTCFL Syllabus and in consultation with the HSK Guideline.The objective of this series iS tO develop the student’S ability to communicate using Chinese through the study of language structure,language function,and related cultural knowledge along with the training of listening,speaking,reading and writing skills.


第二十七课 入乡随俗一、课文生词二、注释来+NP动词“比如”对……来说三、练习与运用表示看法举例说明四、阅读和复述五、语法1.“把”字句(3)2.副词“更”、“最”表示比较3.离合词4.一边……,一边六、字与词构词法(1)第二十八课 礼轻情意重一、课文生词二、注释……之一副词“还”(4)连词“不过”三、练习与运用比较馈赠与称赞后诘担心四、阅读和复述五、语法1.用动词“有/没有”表示比较2.反问句(1)3.连动句(3)4.结果补语“上、开”“上”and“开”六、字与词构词法(2)第二十九课 请多提意见一、课文生词二、注释动词“是”强调肯定好+V副词“就”三、练习与运用描述事物强调肯定表示谦虚四、阅读和复述五、语法1.存现句(4)2.形容词重叠3.结构助词“地”4.“把”字句(4)六、字与词构词法(3)第三十课 他们是练太极剑的一、课文生词二、注释连词“要不”“后来”与“以后”有+VP+的……第三十一课 中国人叫他“母亲河”第三十二课 这样的问题现在也不能问了第三十三课 保护环境就是保护我们自己第三十四课 神女峰的传说第三十五课 汽车我先开着第三十六课 北京热起来了第三十七课 谁来埋单第三十八课 你听,他叫我太太繁体字课文语法术语缩略形式一览表生词索引(简繁对照)汉字索引



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