出版时间:2006-9 出版社:北京语言大学出版社 作者:刘富华 页数:37
Monkey King Chinese (preschool edition) is a set of textbooks compiled for children in English-speaking countries to learn Chinese. It consists of 12 lessons in two volumes with a total vocabulary of 72 words. The textbook (including a CD) is accompanied with one book of word cards.
Lesson 1 蓝球 橄榄球 乒乓球 毯子 滑板 旱冰鞋Lesson 2 卡车 小汽车 摩托车 公共汽车 吉普车 火车Lesson 3 春 夏 秋 冬 雪 彩虹Lesson 4 茄子 南瓜 西红柿 白菜 辣椒 萝卜Lesson 5Lesson 6