出版时间:2002-4-1 出版社:语言文化大 作者:陈庆柏 页数:260
Part One A General Introduction to World Trade and EconomyChapter l Basic Concepts Relating to Intemational TradeChapter 2 The Latest World Economic OutlookChapter 4 A General Introduction to Intemational TradePart Two Trade TheoriesChapter 5 Early Theories of Intemational TradeChapter 6 The Economics of Free TradeChapter 7 NeoclassicaITheoriesChapter 8 Intemational Trade as an Engine of GrowthChapter 9 The Economics of Managed TradePart Three Wodd MarketsChapter 10 A BrieflntroductionPart Four Trade PoliciesChapter 12 Govemmentallntervention in Foreign TradeChapter 13 Trade Restrictions (1) - TariffChapter 14 Trade Restrictions (2) - Non-Tariff BarriersChapter 15 Trade Policies for the Developing CountriesChapter 16 American Trade PoliciesPart Five Regional Economic IntegrationChapter 17 Regional Economic Integration (1)Chapter 18 Regional Economic Integration (2)Chapter 22 Regional Trade AgreementsPart Six Foreign Trade of Some CountriesChapter 23 China's Economy and Foreign TradeChapter 24 Asian Foreign TradeChapter 25 Invisible Trade of Developing CountriesChapter 26 Foreign Trade of Developed Countries Part Seven Trade FinancingChapter 27 GenerallntroductionChapter 28 Major Institutions Involved in Intemational Trade Part Eight Trade FormsChapter 29 CounterTradeChapter 30 TechnologyTransferPart Nine Multinationals and International TradeChapter 31 Multinationals and Intemational TradePart Ten GATT and WTOChapter 32 The GAIT (1) - GenerallntroductionChapter 33 The GATT (2) - Uruguay RoundPart Eleven Foreign InvestmentChapter 35 GenerallntroductionChapter 36 U.S. Direct Investment Abroad and Foreign InvestmentChapter 37 Russia’s Overseas InvestmentChapter 38 French Investment AbroadChapter 39 The General Trend for Future Foreign Direct InvestmentPart Twelve International Trade PracticeChapter 40 How to Form Commercial Contracts in an IntemationalChapter 41 Doing BusinesslntemationallyChapter 42 Major Events Influencing Intemational Trade and InvestmentA Glossary oflnternational Business Terms
In addition, the WTO helps to resolve the "free rider problem" in theworld trading system. The WTO system is available only to countries that arecontracting parties18 to the GATT, agree to adhere to all of Umguay Roundagreements, and subject schedules of market access commitments for indus-trial goods, agricultural goods and services. This eliminates the shortcomingsof the former system in which, for example, only a handful of countries vol-untarily adhered to disciplines on subsidies under the 1979 Tokyo Round agreement .How to Join.the WTO. Most WTO members were previously GATT members who signed the Fi-nal Act of the Uruguay Round and concluded their market access negotiationson goods and services by the Manakesh meeting19 in 1994. A few countries wluch joined the GATT later in 1994 signed the Final Act and concluded ne-gotiations on their goods and services schedules, and became WTO mem-bers. Other countries that had participated in the Uruguay Round negotia-tions concluded their domestic ratification procedures only during the courseof 1995, and became members thereafter.Aside from these arrangements which relate to "original" WTO mem-bership, any other state or customs territory having full autonomy in the con-duct of its trade policies may accede to the WT020 011 terms agreed withWTO members. In the first stage of the accession procedures the applicant govemmentis required to provide the WTO with a memorandum covering all aspects ofits trade and economic policies that have a bearing on WTO agreements. This memorandum becomes the basis for a detailed examination of the acces-sion request in a working party. Alongside the working party's effort.s, the applicant engages in bilateralnegotiations with interested member govemments to establish its concessionsand commitments on goods and its comnutments on services. This bilateral process, among other things, determines the speciric benefits for WTO mem- bers in pemutting the applicant to accede. Once both the examination of theapplicant's trade regime and market access negotiations are complete, the working party draws up basic terms of accession. ……