出版时间:2012-5 出版社:天津大学出版社 作者:贾柱立 页数:253 字数:474000
Unit 1 翻译基础理论/欢迎词Basic Theory of Tralation/Welcoming Speech
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——翻译基础理论Basic Theory of Tralation
A 1.1 翻译概述Tralation Overview
A 1.2 翻译的基本过程和步骤The Basic Steps and Process of Tralation
A 1.3 译者基本素质的培养The Cultivation of Tralator's Basic Qualities
A 1.4 复习题Exercises
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——欢迎词Welcoming Speech
B 1.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
B 1.2 欢迎词Welcoming Speech
B 1.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 1.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 1.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 2 词义的选择和引申/导游开场白要求Diction and Exteion/Basic
Requirements for a Tour Guide's Introduction
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——词义的选择和引申Diction and Exteion
A 2.1 词义的选择Diction
A 2.2 词义的引申Exteion
A 2.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 2.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——导游开场白要求Basic Requirements
for a Tour Guide's Introduction
B 2.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
B 2.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
B 2.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 2.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 2.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 3 词类转译法/住宿登记Conveion of Words/Checking-in Service
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——词类转译法Convetion of Words
A 3.1 词类转换(一)Conveion of Words(Ⅰ)
A 3.2 词类转换(二)Conveion of Words(Ⅱ)
A 3.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 3.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——住宿登记Checking-in Service
B 3.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
B 3.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
B 3.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 3.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 3.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 4 重复法/做一名合格的导游Repetition/To Be a Qualified Tour Guide
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation S kiIIs——重复法Repetition
A 4.1 重复是为了明确Repeat It for Being Clear
A 4.2 重复是为了强调和生动Repeat It for Being Emphasized and Vivid
A 4.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 4.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guid——做一名合格的导游To Be a Qualified
Tour Guide
B 4.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
B 4.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
B 4.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 4.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 4.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 5 增词法/接团、带团Amplification/Meeting the Tour Group and Serving
the Tour Group
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——增词法Amplification
A 5.1 增词法(一)Amplification(I)
A 5.2 增词法(二)Amplification(II)
A 5.3 增词法(三)Amplification(m)
A 5.4 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 5.5 翻译实践Tralation Practice
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——接团、带团Meeting the Tour Group
and Serving the Tour Group
B 5.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
B 5.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
B 5.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 5.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 5.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 6 省略法/享受第一餐Omission/Enjoying the Fit Meal
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——省略法Omission
A 6.1 省略法(一)Omission(I)
A 6.2 省略法(二)Omission(II)
A 6.3 省略法(三)Omission(Ⅲ)
A 6.4 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 6.5 翻译实践Tralation Practice
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guid卜享受第一餐Enjoying the Fit Meal
B 6.1 导游技能Tour Guide’s Skills
B 6.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide’s Commentaries
B 6.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 6.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 6.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 7 正反、反正表达法/讲解技能Affirmation and Negation/Interpretation Skills
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills t反、反正表达法Affirmation and Negation
A 7.1 正反译法Put the Positive into the Negative
A 7.2 反正译法Put the Negative into the Positive
A 7.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 7.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——讲解技能Interpretation Skills
B 7.1 导游技能Tour Guide’s Skills
B 7.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide’s Commentaries
B 7.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 7.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 7.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 8 分句法与合句法/景区服务Division and Combination/Services in the Scenic
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——分句法与合句法Division and Combination
A 8.1 分句法Division
A 8.2 合句法Combination
A 8.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 8.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice一
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——景区服务Services in the Scenic
B 8.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
B 8.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide’s Commentaries
B 8.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 8.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 8.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 9 直译与意译/问题处理Literal Tralation and Tralation by Idea/Dealing
with Problems
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——直译与意译Literal Tralation and
Tralation by Idea
A 9.1 直译Literal Tralation
A 9.2 意译Tralation by Idea
A 9.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 9.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——问题处理Dealing with Problems
B 9.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
B 9.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
B 9.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 9.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 9.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 10 被动语态的译法/退房、送团Tralation of Passive Voice/Checkout and
Seeing off the Tour Group
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——被动语态的译法Tralation of Passive Voice
A 10.1 译成主动句(一)Put into the Active Voice(I)
A 10.2 译成主动句(二)Put into the Active Voice(II)
A 10.3 译成被动句(--)Put into the Passive Voice(I)
A 10.4 译成被动句(二)Put into the Passive Voice(n)
A 10.5 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 10.6 翻译实践Tralation Practice
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——退房、送团Checkout and Seeing
off the Tour Group-
B 10.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
B 10.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
B 10.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 10.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 10.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
版权页: 插图: A tour guide should inform the tourist that it may be impossible to obtain a refund for the reserved ticket.If the tourist wishes to attend any other entertainment not specified in the travel schedule,he/she can do so at his/her own expense. (2)The tour group is scheduled to attend a symphony orchestra(交响乐团) performance in the evening,but some tourists would rather attend an international basketball game in the stadium,in spite of the objections from other tourists in the group.Under such circumstances,what is a tour guide expected to do? ①The tour guide is expected to implement the planned program.②The tourists who wish to watch the basketball game must be informed that it may be impossible to obtain a refund for the symphony tickets and that they are expected to make their own arrangements and bear the cost for attending the game. (3)How should a tour guide respond to tourists’ request to go shopping by themselves? ①If there is enough time in the schedule,a tour guide may agree to the request,help arrange transportation,and may even recommend good shops.②The tour guide should graciously deny any request that might delay the scheduled travel or departure. (4)If a foreign tourist intends to purchase ancient Chinese calligraphy,what should a guide advise him/her? ①A tour guide should advise the tourist to go shopping in the antique shops and keep the sales receipt for the customs check on departure from China.②A tour guide should also inform the tourist that the antiques sold by peddlers usually do not carry a sign of authenticity,and the tourist may not be able to take them out of China. (5)How should a tour guide handle the request when a tourist asks the tour guide to buy goods for him/her and send them by mail? ①A tour guide should decline the request politely.②If it is impossible to say“No”,the tour guide should first report to the travel agency.After getting approval,the tour guide may take enough money from the tourist to buy the goods and have them delivered to the tourist at the address specified.The guide and the tourist should each have a receipt of the transaction. 9.1.2 导游技能——问题处理(二) (1)What might be some of the reasons for a tourist leaving a tour before it is finished?How should a tour guide handle this? ①The main reasons for a tourist leaving a tour in midstream are due to their personal illness or an urgent matter at home,but some leave because of dissatisfaction with the tour or service.②Those who leave the tour group for personal reasons may receive partial reimbursement(补偿)for the unused portion of their contracted tour,after the tour guide has reported their situation and has received approval from both the travel and organizing agencies.③The tour guide should attempt to dissuade(劝阻)the dissatisfied tourist from quitting the tour.If the tourist insists on quitting,the tour guide should inform the tourist that he/she is unable to obtain a refund for the services not yet received.