
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:天津大学出版社  作者:袁露,阮蓓,李飞 主编  页数:207  


  进入21世纪,中国的旅游业异军突起,蓬勃发展,越来越多的国外游客涌入中国,渴望了解古老的中华文明,富裕起来的中国人也热切地希望走出去,了解世界。然而,我国高素质的旅游从业人员数量有限,在一定程度上阻碍了我国旅游业的发展。因此,需要培养高素质的旅游专业人才,有效地与国际接轨,而这又要求必须重视并提升旅游专业外语教育水平。  “当代大学生旅游英语系列丛书”在汲取了现有旅游英语教材精华的基础上,力图更为系统地对旅游业所涉及的内容以一个全新的视角编撰。本系列丛书包括《酒店英语》、《旅游英语》和《旅游客源国文化》三册,语言难度上由易到难,从初、中级阶段的《酒店英语》和《旅游英语》渐进到高级阶段的《旅游客源国文化》,教学内容丰富翔实,信息量大,具有强烈的时代感。  “当代大学生旅游英语系列丛书”之《酒店英语》根据现代酒店的运营模式,以酒店的主营业务为主要线索,兼顾旅游者在旅行中对酒店业的认识,将内容分为5个部分,28个单元,7个模块。本书从认识酒店的概况入手,以对话、场景模拟练习为主,对酒店主要部门,比如前厅部、客房部、餐饮部等进行业务介绍,具有知识性、可读性和实用性。同时,加入知识链接部分,增加了趣味性。  “当代大学生旅游英语系列丛书”之《旅游英语》精选了中国16个最具特色的旅游目的地的相关内容作为16个单元,每个单元分成4个模块:以“吃、住、行、游、购、娱”为特色的“听与说”模块;介绍代表性景点的“篇章阅读”模块;介绍相关人文历史风俗的“文化背景”模块;介绍旅游和常用应用文写作的“实用写作”模块。4个模块兼具知识性、可读性、趣味性和实用性,旨在提高旅游专业学生的专业英语实际运用能力,打好坚实的旅游会话基础,拓宽知识面,增强其成功就业的信心,提高其轻松从业的能力。


本书内容编排上与酒店行业的实际运营流程紧密结合,本书分为五个部分来编排:第一部分酒店概况,第二部分前厅业务,第三部分客房业务,第四部分餐饮业务和第五部分其他业务。     本书充分考虑了职业能力要求与读者学习的便易,在符合英语教学规律的前提下,将每一部分按场景分单元进行组织。全书共28个单元,每个单元从“场景背景”入手,通过“场景对话”总结出酒店一线部门在实际操作中最常用、最简洁的短语和例句,让读者通过“听力训练”环节和“场景表演”环节来加强记忆,以达到学以致用的目的。


Part I  General Information about the Hotel  Unit 1  Information about the Hotel  Unit 2  Information about the Room Type  Unit 3  Information about the Hotel FacilitiesPart II  Front Office Department  Unit 4  Room Reservation  Unit 5  Reception  Unit 6  Check-out  Unit 7  Leaving a Message  Unit 8  Luggage Service  Unit 9 Exchanging Foreign Currencies  Unit 10  InformationPart III  Housekeeping Department  Unit 11  Welcoming and Guiding the Guests  Unit 12  Cleaning the Room  Unit 13  Asking for an Extra Bed  Unit 14  Turn-down Service  Unit 15  Laundry Service  Unit 16  Wake-up Call Service  Unit 17  Maintenance ServicePart 1V  Food and Beverage Department  Unit 18  Table Reservation  Unit 19  Seating Guests  Unit 20  Taking Orders  Unit 21  Serving Dishes  Unit 22  Paying the Bill  Unit 23  Room Service  Unit 24  Bar ServicePart V  Other Services  Unit 25  Complaint  Unit 26  Business Centre  Unit 27  Shopping Centre  Unit 28  Recreation CentreScript of Listening ComprehensionReference


  A: We feel flattered. Its very nice of you to say so. Thank you, Miss Stewart.Is there anything else I can do for you?  B: Let me think. Oh, yes. There is, Carol.  A: What is it, Miss Stewart?  B: Could I have an extra bed in my room? My sister is going to London on the fifth of July. She will come here on the fourth of July. Thats tomorrow.We havent seen each other for one year. I wonder if it is possible to extend an extra bed in my room tomorrow night so that we can have some privatetime together.  A: Oh, sure. We will bring an extra bed as well as a set of guest supplies.  B: Can you also bring me some apples and orange juice7 The fridge is almost empty. I have some friends over tonight. The table is rather small for entertaining friends. Could you change it for a larger one for me and bring some chairs over?  A: Yes, of course, Miss Stewart. When would you like the bed to be settled? And when would you like the table to be changed and chairs to be brought?  B: I need the bed tomorrow night, so it should be settled at around 5 pm tomorrow. I need the table and chairs tonight, so it should be settled at around 4 pm today.  A: Yes, Miss Stewart. What else can I do for you?  B: Nothing, thank you, Carol.  A: My pleasure, Miss Stewart.



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  •   非常实用的一本书,基本可以涵盖一般性问题
  •   很好,内容布局好
  •   速度很快,赞一个
  •   比较基本的酒店英语,比较适合初学者

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