
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:天津大学出版社  作者:许谨,殷世宇 著  页数:137  






Unit One Management and the Manager s JobUnit Two The Developing the Marketing MixUnit Three Job InterviewUnit Four Brand ManagementUnit Five Corporate CultureUnit Six TeamworkUnit Seven The Overview of Operations ManagementUnit Eight The Nature of Strategic ManagementUnit Nine E-BusinessUnit Ten Business Writing


  Planning. In a nutshell, planning includes determining what the or-ganization s position and situation should be in the future and deciding howbest to bring that situation about. Planning helps maintain managerial effec-tiveness by guiding future activities.  Organizing. Once a manager has developed a workable plan, man-agement will lead to organize the people and other resources necessary tocarry about the plan. It also needs to plug people into different “slots” andget them to work together to achieve the organizational goals and plans.  Leading. The function involves four different activities: One is moti- vating subordinates to expand effort. The activity gives employees the op- portunity to attain individual goals and rewards through their performance on the job. The second is leadership, which focuses on what the manager does to encourage organizational performance. The third part is dealing with groups and group processes. The initial creation of groups in a company is part of the organizing process. However, the manager must then deal with group members and activities, on an ongoing basis, from an interpersonal perspective. Communication is the fourth component of leading.



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